Grammys (1984)

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Your POV

Flashing cameras, people screaming questions, people screaming in general was all you could hear once we arrived at the Grammy awards. It was crazy! I don't understand how celebrities can deal with this on a daily basis. I kept taking glances at Michael and I could tell in his eyes that he was nervous. Michael is very shy and gets easily embarrassed.

"Michael, are you alright?" You ask Michael in concern.

"I'm fine. These cameras give you a headache." Michael replied while giggling.

"Tell me about it." You breathe out a laugh.

We both finally make it into the building and there are lots of celebrities I recognize. It seemed so surreal that all of these people you would normally hear on the radio singing or see on tv were right in front of me.

"Michael this is amazing!" You say in awe.

"You think so?" Michael asks you.

"Yup. And it'll be more amazing seeing you walk on that stage to get your award." You say sincerely.

"Y/n thank you. I'm so glad I have you by my side, and I can call you a friend." Michael says.

"Pleasure is all mine."

Oh yeah, I also forgot to mention that Emmanuel Lewis was with us and he's the most cutest thing. And he likes to flirt a lot, mostly with me. But I loved the fascination he had for Michael. And they are like the best of friends. We were seated in the second row, I was on Michael's left, Emmanuel was on Michael's right side and Quincy Jones was seated right next to Emmanuel.


"And the producer of the year is.... QUINCY JONES AND MICHAEL JACKSON"

I cheered for Michael and Quincy. I was so proud of them both. They did a good job. As I was listening to Quincy's speech, I forgot Michael had them damn glasses on. I wish he would show his big beautiful eyes, but he mentioned to me that he didn't like making eye contact with a bunch of people. It was now Michaels turn to speak.

"I don't want to take up much time, but I just wanna say thank you and I love you all." Michael says and everyone starts cheering crazily. Once Michael was done he almost forgot the award at the podium. Michael is silly.


Michael won eight awards that night. A record. And I'm so proud of him! I knew he would win. All of the hard work he has put into his masterpieces is amazing and I admire him a lot for that. After the awards, Michael and I were on our way back to Hayvenhurst.

"Michael I am so proud of you!"

"Thank you y/n. I'm proud of myself, ya know I didn't think I would win eight Grammys."

"You don't know how proud I am of you Mikey." You say and kiss his cheek.

Michael blushes and giggles. Not really expecting you to do that.

Michael's POV

I can't believe y/n just kissed me! That kiss was heavenly. And it didn't matter if she kissed me on the lips or the cheek. I still appreciated and enjoyed it.

I didn't realize I was in a daze until y/n screamed my name.



"I was trying to tell you that we are here."

"Oh, my bad." I feel so embarrassed now.

Y/n laughs and pulls me outta the limo.

"Come on silly! She says pulling my arm.

God I love this girl.

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