Drunk. (1987) •2•

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"WHOOOOOOO. Ok, y'all I can't draaannnkk no mo." You stand up from the barstool but then fall to the floor.

You laugh loudly. "Oh shhhiiitt! HELP IVE FALLEN AND I CANT GET UP!" You start crawling on the floor.

You sit cross legged on the club floor reaching in your clutch for your phone. "I neeeeeedddd my HUSBAND!" You start to laugh as you dial Michael's number.

Michael's POV

"Oh god baby, where can you be?" I get even more scared when I think about y/n. She could be by herself right now, scared out of her life.

Suddenly my phone starts to ring. I look at the caller id and its Y/n. Oh thank god.

"HELLO!?!!" I scream into the phone.

"WHY ARE YOU TALKING SO LOUD? BE QUIET!?!?" Y/n laughs into the phone.

"Y/N I don't got time to be playing with you, WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU AT?!?!" I didn't mean to seem so harsh, I'm just very protective over my babygirl. I've seen a lot, when women are drunk, men take advantage of them, and that's not right.

"DONT YELL AT ME FOOL! YOU NOT MY DADDY!" Y/n yells angrily into the phone.

"Girl don't play right now. Are you still at the club?" I ask her.

"Uh, I think so. Iiiiiimmmmmm siiting on the floooor now!" She starts giggling.

"SITTING ON WHAT FLOOR?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"I think the club floor." She says stupidly.

I forgot about how she gets when she's drunk. She's the weirdo drunk so she does anything. "Uh, stay there baby, don't let anyone touch you, and dont take any drinks from anyone ok?" I say sternly into the phone.

"I'm yooooo baby? Wait youuu souund a lot like that Jackson guy!" She slurs.

"CAUSE I AM THAT JACKSON GUY! Look, just stay there ok babygirl? I'm on my way!"

"Ok, Mr. Jackson." She says seductively.

I hang up the phone. She's never going out again.

Your POV

I wonder where I am. There's a lot of Giants in this room. Wait, I'm a small person? That's cool. Oh shit, I gotta puke.

I throw up all over the floor. My stomach hurts really bad.

"LADY!" Someone screams so loud I thought they were yelling through a megaphone.

I jump in freight and turn my head in the direction of the voice. "Wait, you're Y/N Jackson?" The man says.

"Uh, I guessss." You look up at the man confused.

"Yooooo, can I get an autograph?" The man asks.

"Sure." You grab the paper and sign it sloppy.

"Thank you so much!" He runs off.

"Oh god, I need to get out of here." You start to crawl in the direction towards the entrance. Once you finally make it towards the entrance someone bursts through the door, bumping you in the head.

It was your husband Michael. You instantly black out.

Michael POV

"Y/n! Baby are you ok?" I hold her in my arms and caress her head.

"Let's get you out of here." I pick her light body up off the floor and gently put her into the passenger seat of my car. I then get in on my side, and start to drive back to Neverland.

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