The Studio (1986)

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"You know how I feel, I won't stop until, I can hear your voice saying I do."  Michael sings to himself while writing lyrics. The song he's planning on writing is a duet but he doesn't know who would be the right choice.

Michael starts to write the lyrics for the female. "This think can't go wrong." Michael sings to himself.

"This feeling so strong." Michael sings powerfully. Michael is planning on making the song a surprise for you, after all, the song is about you and Michael's love for each other, but he can't make it a surprise anymore because he needs you to sing the female parts.

You walk past the studio and you can see Michael working his butt off through the windows. You don't want to bother him, cause he doesn't like to be distracted while working. Michael notices you looking at him, and he waves his hand, telling you to come in.

You walk in the studio and feel a slight breeze when you open the door.

"Wow this is nice Michael." You look around the studio in awe because Michael rarely lets you in here.

"Y/n I actually wanted you to help me with something." Michael holds your hands.

"You want me to help you?" You ask raising your eyebrow.

"Yes, I need for you to put on these headphones and sing these parts." Michael points to the lyrics the woman would be singing.

"SING?!?!" Michael, I can't sing." You say about to walk out of the studio.

"Wait y/n, please sing these parts? I would love for you to be on my album." Michael asks in a pleading tone.

"Alright fine, I'll sing." You let out a sigh. Michael starts cheesing and hands you the lyrics.

"Ok y/n, just walk in the room, put on your headphones, and you'll here the beat of the song." Michael sits behind the control pad thing and you walk in the booth.

"Are you ready y/n?" Michael asks.

"Uh yeah, I'm ready." You say nervously because you don't want to mess up.

The beat starts and you start singing with all your heart.

"I hear your voice now, you are my choice now. The love we bring. Heavens in my heart, at your call I hear harps, and Angels sing." You stop singing and look at Michael for approval.

"Did I do okay?" You ask raising your eyebrow. Michael is just staring at you so you ask again "Did I do okay Michael?" You say giggling at Michael's facial expression.

"Baby, that was beautiful." Michael walks into the booth.

"Are you serious?" You ask, shocked at Michaels answer.

"Yes baby, how come you never told me you could sing?" Michael holds your hands.

"Because I didn't think I could sing that good." You say shrugging your shoulders.


"Yeah Michael?"

"You would sell records with that voice." Michael says to you walking out of the booth.

"Do you want to do it together?" Michael asks.

"Uh I guess."

Michael starts the beat, then runs into the booth with you. Michael starts off singing first.

"Each time the wind blows, I hear your voice so, I call your name. Whispers at morning, our love is dawning, heavens glad you came." Michael sings beautifully.

It's now your turn to sing and Michael stares at you, loving the way you hold your notes, and the way you look while singing.

"I hear your voice now, you are my choice now, the love we bring." You smile hard at Michael.

"Heavens in my heart, at your call I hear harps, and Angels sing." Michael starts to make silly faces to throw you off your game, and you start laughing uncontrollably at Michael's playfulness.

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