Michael Gets Hurt

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"Dammit Michael, why'd you have to get the biggest tree?" You let out a laugh and look up at the 10ft tall Christmas tree Michael had brought.

"You know what they say y/n, go big or go home." Michael reaches his arms to add an ornament to the tree.

Michael looks down at you from the step ladder he's standing on. "Y/n, are you just gonna stand there or help me?"

"I'm good Michael." Michael looks at you like you crazy.

"Girl if you don't get over here and help me." Michael laughs.

"So demanding Michael." You smirk at Michael. "I kind of like it." You say seductively.

"You're so dirty y/n." Michael shakes his head at you.

You go and grab a chair from the dining room and start to help Michael. Michael grabs an ornament with glitter coming off of it, and Michael knows you hate glitter, so he decides to shake the ornament above your head, and glitter starts falling in your hair and your face.

You notice glitter falling. "What in the hell?" You say to yourself. You look up to see Michael giggling and dumping glitter on you. "MICHAEL!" You grab the ornament from him and hang it on the tree. You try to wipe the glitter off of your face but it doesn't come off.

You slap Michael's arm. "UGH, THIS IS WHY YOU MAKE ME MAD SOMETIMES. YOU KNOW I HATE GLITTER!" You frown at Michael.

"I'm sorry babygirl. But it's funny to irritate you. Your reactions are hilarious!" Michael laughs hysterically, holding his stomach.

You grab a glittery ornament and do the same thing Michael did to you. The glitter ends up on top of his fedora.

Michael stops laughing instantly. You know what he's gonna do so you jump off the chair and make a run for it. "Y/n! IMMA GET YOU!" Michael runs after you.

Michael runs fast so he catches you before you make it to your bedroom. He grabs you from behind and spins you around.

"Gotcha." Michael giggles. "Now can we go finish this tree?" Michael whines.

"We sure can." You grab Michael's hand and walk down the stairs.

While walking down the stairs, Michael slaps your butt and runs off giggling.

You gasp and start to chase after Michael.

Michael picks up his pace and runs to where the tree is. "MICHAEL." You start panting. "You run to fast for me." You say in between breaths.

Michael turns around and looks at you while running. "You can't catch m~" Michael is cut off cause he ran into the tree and the whole tree tumbles over.

You let out a slight giggle, but then realize that this is serious. You run over to Michael. "MICHAEL BABY ARE YOU OKAY?" You grab his arm to lift him off the floor.

Michael turns to face you, and he has scratches on his face. You gasp at the sight. "Michael baby, are you ok?" You touch his face gently so you won't hurt him even more.

"I'm fine y/n. These scratches burn though, OWW." Michael grabs his face.

"Michael stop touching them. Come with me." You grab Michael's hand gently and lead him upstairs to your bathroom.

Michael sits on the toilet so you can clean his face up. You grab the alcohol from the cabinet and a cotton swab.

"Oh no" Michael gets up from the toilet seat and you look at him confused. Michael continues "You not about to put alcohol on my face." Michael shakes his head in disagreement.

"Michael, it's only gonna sting for about 5 seconds then your scratches will feel better." You pull his arm so he can sit back down.

"Ok y/n, but if I feel pain, I'm gonna scream so loud, the world will hear me." Michael looks at you seriously.

"Ok baby, I just want you to feel better. It was my fault you fell into the tree anyway." You giggle a little at what just happened.

Michael looks at you blankly. "That wasn't funny at all y/n."

"I wasn't laughing at the fact you fell, it was the way you fell. I'm sorry." You stop laughing so you won't hurt Michael's feelings.

Once you pour the alcohol onto the cotton swab, Michael grabs your left hand tightly so he won't feel pain.

You dab the cotton swab on his scratch and he screamed so loud, he made you drop the cotton swab.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH." Michael screams.

"Michael what do you want me to do?" You put your hand on your hips.

Michael taps his chin. "You could kiss the booboos!" You smile at Michael adorableness.

You grab Michael's face with both hands and kiss both of his scratches.
"They feel so much better now." Michael smiles at you.

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