Asking You To Be His Girl (1988)

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Michael's POV

I'm gonna invite y/n over today. God, I love that girl so much, I do anything to keep her happy. We've been friends for a long time now and I want to finally confess my feelings for her. She's so beautiful, the way her eyes sparkle, I love way she speaks, the way she moves her hips, the way she carries herself is amazing. I love her personality the most she's courageous, generous, friendly, gentle, sensitive, sweet, and considerate. She has a lot of love in her heart and is very passionate about certain things and that's what I love most about y/n.

Trying to contact y/n is a pain sometime cause she takes so long to answer. Finally the woman answers.



"Hello who's this?" I say still half asleep.

"It's Michael sweetie" I blush at the fact he called me sweetie

"Oh, my bad Mikey. You kind of woke me up."

"Oh I'm sorry y/n. I could call back later if you want me to."

"NO!" I didn't mean to yell into the phone it's just that I didn't want him to hang up.

"Oh ok then. Well, I wanted to invite you over to Neverland today to hang out. Would you like to?" Michael asked.

"Of course Michael! I'll be right over." I say excitedly.

"Ok then I'll see you when you get here."

"Ok Mikey, bye!"

"Bye y/n"

You screamed in excitement. Ever since you and Michael have been friends, you've had the biggest crush on him. And your feeling we're getting stronger for him, so you couldn't wait to get over to Neverland.


Once you pulled up to Neverland, Michael was standing outside waiting for you to get here. You jumped out of the car and ran over to Michael and hugged him tightly.

Michael's POV

Y/n must really be excited to see me. She's hugging me so tight that it's kind of turning me on.

"Someone's excited to see me." I say to y/n while laughing

"I just missed you so much Mikey."

God, I love how she says Mikey.

"I missed you too. So what do you wanna do first?" I asked y/n.

"Hmm let me think. I want to GO ON THE PUKE BUCKET!!" Y/n says in excitement.

I love seeing her happy. She's the definition of my happiness.

I laugh and smile at her excitement. "The puke bucket already?" I say.

"What, are you afraid Mr. Jackson?" She say in a challenging tone.

"I'm not afraid of anything."

"Prove it." She says.

Watch when she'll be the main one screaming.

"AAAAHHHHHH" y/n keeps screaming. I knew she would be the main one screaming. I'm dying laughing because the ride is not even scary, and plus she was the one making fun of me for being scared of this ride when I'm not.

"Mikey I think I'm gonna be sick" y/n says quietly, and weakly.

I'm still laughing, but I didn't know what y/n just said. All of a sudden, y/n throws up all over the place.

"STOP THE RIDE PLEASE!!" I'm yelling at the guy operating the ride to stop it cause y/n threw up, and I'm freaking out cause it happened so fast.
The ride finally stops, and puke is on the ground and in the car of the ride.

"I can't believe I just puked." Y/n says in disbelief.

"It's okay y/n. Everyone gets sick, and plus the ride is sorta crazy." I breathe out a laugh.

"This is embarrassing" y/n says hopping out of the ride.

I put my arm around her and walk her back to the house so we could get changed.

Once we got back to the house, we went upstairs to my bedroom, and I gave her my red button up shirt to put on. She looked adorable in it.

"You feeling ok?" I ask y/n.

"I'm good, but some water would be nice."

I help her down the stairs to the kitchen one of my cooks Maria greets us.

"Hello Mr. Jackson and hello Ms. Y/l/n"

"Hey Maria, and please call me Michael" I reassure her.

"Oh yeah, sorry Michael" Maria says.

"It's fine but can you get y/n a glass a water? We had a little accident outside."

"Coming right up Michael"

After y/n drank her water she felt a little better.

"Do you still want to ride rides?" I ask y/n.

"No not anymore. Can we do something more chill? Like watch a movie?" She asks.

"Sure. What movie did ya have in mind?"

"Umm, Peterpan?" She says.

"You know me so well." I say smiling.


While we're in the theater, I feel this is the time to tell her about how I feel.

"Um, y/n?"

She turns her head to me. "Yes Michael?"

I'm so nervous right now.

"We've been friends for a long time now, and we have had some amazing years together as friends and I would like to have some amazing years as more than friends. Your being lights up my day. You make feel incredible when I'm around you. When your not by my side, I feel so lonely and lost cause your not always here. I love looking into those big, brown, sparkling eyes. I love the way your hips move when you walk. And oh my, that smile shines so brightly it could be the sun. I love how I can be myself around you, and not have to feel like I will be judged. And most importantly, I love you because you are you. You make my life complete.


Wow he just poured his heart out to me. Little does he know that I've been feeling the same way for a very long time.

"Mikey, I'm speechless."I say while tears fall.

"Y/n I love you with everything in me, would you be my girl?" Michael asks me.

"Yes Michael" I say while crying tears of joy.

Michael's POV

I did it. Y/n will forever be mine.

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