Argument (1994)

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"Where the hell are you Michael? You were supposed to be here 2 hours ago. Call me once you get this message." You say into your phone leaving Michael a voice message.

Today is your birthday and Michael promised to take you out to dinner tonight. He was supposed to be here at 6:00 PM and it is now 8:00. Michael always does this, he always says he's gonna be here or there at a certain time but never comes on time. It's starting to really agitate you that he forgets things so much.

"How could he forget my birthday? Am I not important? Wait maybe I'm thinking to much, I know Michael loves me and would never forget my birthday." You say to yourself.

You decide to just sit in the living room and watch tv. You turn on the tv and the first thing that pops up is the news channel.

"Oh great more lies." You say letting out a sigh.

"Michael Jackson has been seen leaving a restaurant with who it seems to be Elvis Presley's daughter, Lisa Marie Presley. Is Michael cheating on his fiancé Y/n?" The news reporter says.

You are angry as hell at what you see on the tv. You can't believe that Michael forgot all about your birthday and went out to dinner with Lisa Marie.

"This is f****n ridiculous." You say loud and you end up throwing the remote control out of anger. Out of anger, tears start falling. You end up going upstairs to change into your pajamas to go to sleep.

3 hours later ~

Michael's POV

"I can't believe I missed Y/n's birthday. I feel terrible at the fact that I went out to dinner with Lisa and forgot all about my fiancé. Hopefully she won't be too upset about it. Who am I kidding she might shoot me." Michael says to himself.

I go up the stairs into our bedroom and see Y/n sleeping peacefully in our bed. I guess she heard me come in cause right when i turned on the lights, she immediately woke up glaring at me.

"I see you finally made it back." Y/n says to me in a cold tone.

"I am so sorry baby that I didn't come home on time. And I'm sorry I missed your birthday." I say to y/n in a pleading tone.

"You know, I must really not be important to you if you decide to JUST GO OUT TO DINNER WITH LISA MARIE PRESLEY!" Y/n yells making me jump.

"Y/n don't raise your voice at me. Second, you are the most important person in my life, without you I wouldn't be able to live. Lisa Marie means nothing to me but a friend. I thought you would've known that?!?!"


You get up from your bed and start to head downstairs.

"I don't give a damn about Lisa, I'm upset at the fact that you forgot my birthday, went out to dinner with Lisa, and YOURE ALWAYS COMING HOME LATE!!!!" You yell letting out all of your emotions.

"Y/n, all of the other times I'm late is cause I'm at the studio, or working on other things! Baby you know I have to work." Michael says.

"What else are you working on huh?" You ask out of curiosity.

"You think I'm cheating?" Michael asks you in disbelief. "Y/n, you think I'm cheating on you?" Michael repeats getting a little annoyed by the whole conversation.

"You don't trust me do you?" Michael asks you while a tear slips out of his eye.

"I can't believe this." Michael takes his keys from the counter and walks out of the house slamming the door. You jump at the door shutting so loudly.

"Damnit, what did I do?" You ask upset at yourself.

You call Michael repeatedly to apologize but he's not answering the phone. An hour later, Michael walks through the door with roses and a bag from a store. You run over to the door where Michael is and embrace him into your arms.

"Michael I'm so sorry. I trust you, and I love you so much. I never meant to hurt you. I kind of overreacted at the situation."

"No y/n, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have went out to dinner with Lisa on your birthday, and I should at least call you when I might be late coming home." Michael says holding you close to his chest. Michael lets you out of his embrace and he walks over to the flowers and the bag.

"Y/n, happy birthday baby. I love you." Michael hands you the bag. You look inside of it and see a box that looks like a ring would be in it.

"Oh Michael, you didn't have to." You say with tears coming out of your eyes.

"But I wanted to. And you deserve it, you deserve the world." Michael kisses your forehead, then kisses your wet lips from the tears.

You open the box and see a shiny silver ring.

"Michael it's beautiful." You say in awe.

"Let me put it in your finger."

Michael slips the ring on your finger. "Thank you baby. It's beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you." Michael then picks you up bridal style and runs up the stairs with you in his arms.

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