You're What? (1994)

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For 2 weeks you've been feeling kind of sick, and weird. You've been throwing up, your mood changes a lot, and you're gaining more weight. You don't know what's going on with your body.

It's currently 1 in the morning, and you and Michael are laying down on your bed.

"Goodnight baby." Michael kisses your lips and holds you from behind.

"Goodnight Michael, I love you." You close your eyes, drifting off into a peaceful slumber.

"I love you too y/n." Michael closes his eyes, falling asleep instantly with you in his arms.

~4 AM

You jump out of your sleep, knowing what's about to happen; one of your puke sessions. You run to the bathroom that's in your bedroom, and end up
throwing up.

Michael's POV

I wake up out of my sleep, and notice that y/n isn't in my arms anymore. Once my vision clears up, I know she's in the bathroom regurgitating. I jump out of bed and go into the bathroom to see my baby, sitting on the floor miserable.

"Oh y/n." Michael picks you up off of the floor and takes you downstairs to the kitchen.

I go over to the refrigerator, and get y/n a water bottle to settle down her stomach. "Here you go babygirl."

"Thank you Michael."

"What do you think is wrong? You've been doing this for the past two weeks." Michael asks you while rubbing your back.

"I don't know. All I know is that I need to go to the doctor or something cause this throwing up deal is not working for me." You gulp down the rest of your water.

Your POV

Michael starts tapping his chin, and I know that means he thinking about something. Michael suddenly has an idea and gasps.

"Y/N?!?!" Michael looks at you.

"What?" You look at him confused.

"Do you think that, maybe you're pregnant?" Michael's face lights up at the thought of that.

"No, I didn't think about that." You stare into space not sure what to think. You're happy, excited, yet you're also scared.

"Y/n?" Michael lifts your chin with his finger. "Are you alright sweetie, you look terrified.

"I am. I think having a child with someone you love is a beautiful thing, but it's scary. And I know you want children so bad, I do too. But I'm just scared." You shed a tear.

Michael hugs you tightly and you lay your head on his chest. He kisses your forehead and whispers "We're gonna get through this. There's nothing to worry about. As long as we got each other, we're gonna be okay." Michael kisses your lips.

"Now just to make sure, I'm gonna run to the store and pick up some tests ok?" Michael grabs his keys.

"Ok Michael, hurry back." Michael walks out of the door.

You whisper out loud. "God, please protect my child." You go upstairs and lay down.

~30 minutes.

Michael walks into the bedroom with the tests. "I got 4 of them. Just to be safe." Michael giggles and hands you the bag.

You giggle at Michael. "Thank you Michael." You take the bags out of his hand and go into the bathroom to take the 4 tests.

~After about 10 minutes.

You walk out of the bathroom with the biggest smile on your face. You drop the test on the floor, and run into Michael's arms. You start giggling/crying with joy chanting "We're having a baby Mikey!"

Michael spins you around then kisses your lips passionately.

"My baby's having a baby." Tears slip out of Michael's eyes.

"Thank you God." Michael says to himself smiling.

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