Hero (Dean)

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You let out an irritated groan as you slammed closed the file of evidence, so far you were stuck between a Djinn and a ghost. Though both were different it seemed like both were crossing over. Letting out a sigh you knew that it'd have been easier if you were still hunting with Sam and Dean. But you were mad at Dean still, yeah it'd been two months since you'd last seen him and of course he didn't know the other reason you'd left. Looking down at your slowly growing stomach you gave it a small rub. Standing up you picked up the evidence file and shoved it into your duffel bag. Grabbing your jacket and keys you walked outside to your black rental car. Climbing in you hoped it was a ghost because honestly, you didn't know if you could take on a djinn.


You'd been wrong. So wrong and now you had thrown yourself into danger, along with your child. Tears were falling down your eyes as you were forced into your happiest memory. Well, it wasn't really a memory, it was what you had dreamed of for the past month and a half.

Dean let out a laugh as a little girl with blonde hair ran towards him, her hair was just up to her shoulders and fell in messy waves. Her cheeks were a shade of pink from smiling so much, her eyes though. They were much like Dean's but were a shade of darker green. Smiling you walked up to them, Dean pulling you closer to him as he chuckled his smile was bright, it took you a moment to realise the thick, gold band that was on his left ring finger. With a small frown you looked at your own ring finger and your jaw dropped at the diamond encrusted ring that sat there.

"You okay baby?" Dean asked with a frown.

Smiling you nodded my head, "Happier than I've been in awhile. I love you Dean."

"I love you too. My two beautiful girls," Dean said as he kissed both our daughter and you on the forehead.

"Baby? Baby please wake up please!" a voice cried.

What happened? Your eyes felt like they were glued as I slowly opened them up. Dean was crouched beside me, his arms wrapped around you as he kept asking you to wake up. Breathing in a deep, shaky breath you lifted your head weakly.

"Dean?"you mumbled with a frown.

"Oh gosh baby, thank god you're awake," Dean cried as he held you tightly.

"What happened?" you asked.

"The djinn almost killed you, Cas healed you but we weren't sure you'd wake up," Dean stated as he pressed his lips to your forehead.

"I'm so sorry baby, but why didn't you tell me?" Dean asked as he looked at you with those sad green eyes.

"About?" you asked, still confused from what'd happened.

"About being pregnant. I thought that... The day we had that argument that you wanted to start a family then and there, not that you actually were..."

"I was scared, and after the argument I thought you wouldn't want me and the baby, so I left," you answered as your eyes watered with tears.

"No baby, I was just scared okay? I promise. I'll be there, for you and the baby. Just the three of us."

"And Sam and Cas," you added with a giggle.

"Yeah those idiots too. But we'll be a family, alright baby?" Dean said in a serious tone.

You nodded your head, your heart racing as you looked into the eyes of the man you loved.

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