Good Morning Part 1 (Crowley)

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A loud yawn escaped your lips as you turned around in bed, snuggling into the man beside you.

"Good morning, My Queen," a deep British voice spoke.

Grinning you looked up at the King of Hell, his brow eyes focused on you as he ran his fingers through your hair, knowing how it soothed you. A arm wrapped protectively around your waist, his hand places gently on top of your swollen stomach.

"My King," you answered as you pressed a kiss to Crowley's lips.

A giggle passing your lips at the feel of Crowley's stubble, prickling your cheeks. One which quickly became heated.

"Crowley, come on stop. Fergus'll be in here any-" you were interrupted as your four year old son came running through the door.

His HellHound Sully bounding behind him as he squealed with laughter. Crowley laughed as he sat up and pulled Ferguson onto the bed. He looked just like Crowley only he had your nose and smile. That was probably another reason you gave your son Crowley's human name, a reminder of his father and where he came from before he was the King of Hell. Fergus squealed as Crowley hugged him tightly, kissing all over his face before he escaped and jumped into your arms. Laughing you hugged your son tightly, kissing his nose as he giggled.

"Nooo staph," Fergus squealed, his small hands trying to push you away.

"Alright alright," you said with a giggle of your own.

The three of you laying down on the bed again, your head on Crowley's chest and Fergus laying between you and Crowley, his dark curls nestled on top of his head as his brown eyes took everything in. You were surprised Sully had remembered that he wasn't allowed on the bed too.

"Mummy?" Fergus asked as he turned towards you, brown eyes full of curiosity.

"Yes baby boy?" You answered as you pressed a kiss to his forehead.

"When will my sister be here?" He asked, poking your swollen stomach.

"Well, your sister isn't ready yet. She still has to grow more. Then she'll be ready," Crowley explained to Fergus.

Fergus pouted and crossed his arms. A loud sigh escaping his lips.

"Fine," he grumbled.

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