Caged Part Two (Lucifer)

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As you landed on a hard surface with a thud you looked up with panicked eyes. Looking around your breath hitched, you were in a black cage, a lone bulb strung from the inside of the cage illuminated the small space. Biting down on your lip you scurried backwards until your back hit a wall. Tears filling your eyes as you tried to be brave, but as you sat there you knew that it wasn't long until you either died of starvation or from the torture you knew was coming from the fallen angel. Thinking of the angel you looked around, your eyes straining to find the angel in the small space.

"Comfortable are we?" a deep voice asked from behind you.

Looking over your shoulder you noticed Lucifer looking at you with a raised brow, expectant of an answer. Stumbling to your feet you rushed to the other side of the Cage, looking at the angel with worry and fear-filled eyes.

"S-Sorry," you whispered as you watched him. He sat there, a leg drawn close to his chest so that his elbow could rest on it.

"Is that so?" Lucifer asked as he stood up. "What are you sorry for?" he asked as he started his slow approach towards you. Knowing that you were terrified.

"For leaning against you?" you questioned, unsure of your own answer.

"I'll assume you're not sorry for pushing me back in my Cage though. Am I right?"

Feeling brave you answered, "I won't be sorry for putting you back where you belong, even if it means I'll probably die here too."

Lucifer just laughed in your face, his cold breath hitting you, making you realise how the Cage actually was. Shivering from the cold Lucifer looked at you with a small from before finally realising what was making you shiver.

"Cold are we sweetheart?" Lucifer asked with a laugh.

"No," you lied.

"Of course you are. But see, we're both in the Cage, stuck here for eternity. You won't get hungry or anything human, instead of ageing you slowly disappear into ashes because of all the torture that I plan on inflicting on you."

"Do it then, if that's what you want then fine. I've already in succeeding in my mission. My duty as a Hunter. Even if it means I'm suck here with you," you said with a shaky breath.

Lucifer laughed as he leaned towards you, his lips brushing against your neck, making you shiver with delight. Biting down on your lower lip you bit down on the moan that was wedged in your throat.

"You always liked my vessel, didn't you?" the angel whispered, his voice layered with something dark and familiar.

"Of course, Nick and I were close. We hunted a few times together and saved each others asses more than once," you answered.

Lucifer laughed, his cold breath tickling down your neck.

"No, no, you had deeper emotions for the broken soul. You didn't quite love him. Though you almost did, didn't you? So connected to the broken soul. You two had been hit by cupids arrow you know? Though not for you and Nick to be together. For us. Because we're soulmates," Lucifer teased.

You shook your head in denial.

"Lucifer I know you're lying. And yeah, I pretty-much loved Nick, but that doesn't mean you need to torture me with it. What happened happened because we were, on many levels too different."

"But still you fell for him. Because I'm you're soulmate. So don't you think you were falling towards me?"

"Well I did fall through the portal to your Cage so yeah, I fell," I replied, sarcasm lacing my voice.

"Don't mock me!" Lucifer's voice boomed around the Cage, his hands slamming against the Cage wall beside your shoulders.

"That's a lie Lucifer," you whispered unconvincingly.

"Tell me, can you see it? The Grace even though I'm not showing you?"

"No," you answered as you looked up at his cold blue eyes.

"Look harder, it's a bright gold colour. Which is a paradox considering we're in a dark Cage."

Looking at Lucifer you forced yourself to look for what he'd described as his Grace. Slowly, like pulling away what once a black sheet of nothing, the gold Grace started breaking through the cracks. Your mouth dropping in shock as your eyes widened. The Grace continued to grow, and grow... Until the blackness that once surrounded the entire room was shining with gold.

"Well?" Lucifer asked with a curious tone.

"I..." you paused, unable to get the right words out.

"You're my soulmate," you whispered with a frown as you looked at Lucifer.

His blue eyes filled with shame, want and disgust.

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