Please, Stay... (Castiel)

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"Y/N? Why are you out here?" I asked as I sat beside her.

Her legs hanging over the edge of the cliff, it wasn't a far drop as humans considered it to be ten metres at least. At first she didn't answer me, her eyes watching the stars in the sky as they shone down at her. Her tongue darting out to moisten her chapped lips, at first I didn't see it. But then I noticed the small trails of silver tears falling from her eyes. Her teeth digging into her lower lip as her chest heaved. Frowning in confusion I did the only thing I knew to do, the thing I'd seen Sam and Dean do numerous times. Pulling her body towards mine I hugged her tightly, her chest heaving as loud sobs passed her lips and muffled into my chest.

Resting my head on top of hers, I ran my hand up and down her back, trying to be comforting, sighing I pulled her away for a few seconds and wiped away the tears that had fallen from her eyes that were now red and puffy now. Her lips pulled into a tight forced smile as she rested a hand on my cheek.

"Thanks Cas, for everything," she whispered. Her voice just audible on the wind that had picked up.

"You don't need to thank me. You know you don't. I'm always here for you and the Winchesters," I answered with a frown. For some reason I could feel my heart accelerating with... Panic? Why was it that the heart was panicking? Neither of us were in danger or being hurt. Maybe it was because of how close we were.

"Promise you'll take care of my brothers Cas?" she asked, eyes full of seriousness.

Nodding my head I watched as she got up, a soft, sad smile on her lips as she walked back to the Bunker. Her legs carrying her away quickly.


Stupid, stupid. He'd never like you. You can't even help your brothers, an angry voice echoed around my head.

Sitting up I frowned, what... No. Who was that? Listening out for the hateful thoughts again I received nothing, the thoughts had died out, becoming nothing but flecks in the air.

I love you Cas, a the voice once again echoed round my head. Racing out of my room I zapped into her room, terrified that the voice I'd hurt the first time was her. It couldn't. It can't be her. Running into the bathroom that connected to her room I felt my heart drop at the sight before me. Her body laid out against the white tiled floors that were stained with crimson red blood.

"No, no no!" I shouted as I collapsed beside her. Carefully I pulled her into my arms, trying to ignore the pain that was swelling in my heart, my eyes stinging as tears fell onto her paled face.

"Please," I cried. "Please, stay..." I cried as I rested my forehead against hers.

"S-Sorry Cas," her voice said weakly.

I looked down at her as the tears continued to fall. "Please, please don't leave me. I-I love you too!" I cried.

She looked at me with a pained smile as her blood covered hand touched my cheek gently like she had earlier that night. Her eyes still full of sadness as her eyes flickered shut, her lungs taking in a shallow breath before she stopped breathing. Her heart beat had already stopped, the blood still flowing out of her wrists even though she was no longer alive. Holding her hand in mine I howled in pain, my heart throbbing with an unbearable pain.

"Cas what the-" Dean said as he ran into her room Sam following just after him.

"C-Cas?" Dean questioned as I sat there with their little sister's body in my arms, her blood surrounding the both of us.


"Why though?" Sam asked as the flames engulfed her body.

"She believed that she wasn't helpful, that she was a burden..." I answered as I watched the flames grow higher and higher.

"But she wasn't a burden!" Dean shouted.

"That's not for us to think, it's what she thought. I should've realised she was depressed. What good is being an angel to help and protect humans when I can't even detect when someone is slowly dying on the inside?" I snarled, my fingers pulling at my hair with frustration.

"Gosh such drama queens," a voice commented dryly.

Turning around I noticed Crowley standing there looking at his nails.

"This isn't the time to be a nuisance Crowley," I snarled.

"Oh I'm not being a nuisance. I just want you to shut up for once. So here," Crowley said boredly as he snapped his fingers.

Beside him stumbled a girl, eyes wide and full of shock as she stood there. Her face familiar as she looked at all of us.

"What trick is this Crowley?" I demanded.

"No trick. Just a favour. The boys owe me now," Crowley said before he disappeared into thin air.

"Cas?" her voice was hoarse and cracked over the simple word.

Without a thought I popped in front of her and pulled her into my arms, holding her close as the pain in my chest slowly subsided.

"I love you I love you," I whispered into her hair as the tears gathered in my eyes as I pulled away I smiled at her.

"I-I didn't know you heard that," she whispered.

"I always hear your prayers," I whispered as I pressed my lips to hers, kissing her gently.

"Promise me, Promise me you'll stay," I whispered.

"I promise," she whispered.

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