Secrets (Dean)

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Staring into space you tried to ignore the queasy feeling that was building up in your stomach. You'd been feeling like this for over a month and a half but hadn't thought much of it. Of course because of the irregular routine your body was always thrown through your period pattern was always off, but this time something was wrong. Biting down on your lower lip you came crashing back down into reality, the various brands of pregnancy tests in front of you in pink and white boxes. Looking from your left to right you quickly grabbed one and raced to the cash-out. The woman serving you looked at you with a look of disgust, her black eye brow raised in annoyance. Shoving the cash to the woman you snatched the test and raced to the public toilets that were close by.

As you dashed into a cubicle you thanked yourself for filling up your bladder before hand. As you fumbled with the packaging you sat on the toilet and peed on it, feeling awkward as the sound of you peeing echoed around the silent bathroom. It was reasons like these that you hated public toilets but if you were going to take this test it would be without having Dean and Sam see it. Finishing your business you flushed the toilet and stood in your cubicle, waiting for the result. You jumped as your phone started ringing, quickly you answered it, knowing it was probably your boyfriend of two years.

"Hey babe, how much longer are you going to be?" Dean asked through the line.

"Uh I dunno... I kinda feel sick after that pie and I'm currently stuck on the toilet," you lied as you watched the small stick.

"Oh gosh babe I'm so sorry, I should've taken you to that pastery shop," Dean muttered in frustration.

You giggled at his concern. "Don't stress, it's probably nothing," you whispered as your eyes widened. The stick showing a bright pink plus sign.

"Alright. Just take your time yeah?"

"Of course," you answered before hanging up, slipping your phone back into your jean pocket.

Pregnant? you thought. You and Dean had mentioned kids once but thought it'd be best never to bring one into a world where both of you were always hunting. Covering your mouth you started crying, your hand covering your mouth as sobs passed your lips.

"Y/N? Are you in here?" Castiel's voice echoed around the toilets.

"Just a second Cas. Is Dean or Sam with you?" you whispered as you threw the stick and its packaging in the bin.

"No, Dean just said that you were feeling rather sick from that pie you consumed. I can heal you if you want."

Biting down on your lip you walked out of your cubicle and looked at Cas, your fingers wiping the tears from your eyes.

"This isn't about the pie, is it?" Cas asked.

You shook your head. "No, I'm pregnant Cas. With Dean's baby," you answered.

"He'll be happy to be a father. Won't he?"

"No, he won't. Bring a child into the world of hunters is dangerous, especially for the baby."

"Do you want to... Get rid of it?" Cas asked with a frown.

"No, I could never do that. I need you to... To make me impossible to find. For anyone, hunters, demons and angels. I want to become a blank face in the crowd. C-Can you do that for me? Please Cas?" you asked quietly.

Cas let out a sigh, a hand running through his dark hair as he locked his bright blue orbs with yours.

"It can't be undone. The marking with make you impossible to track but not exactly a blank face for the crowd. Only you can do that, by building up a life of lies. Are you sure you want to do this?"

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