Whoops (Crowley)

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"Whatever you do, don't come in the room, understand?" Dean said as he looked you in the eye.

"Dean seriously, a King of Hell isn't that bad considering what we've been against," you complained.

"That's not the point. Just stay here okay?"

Letting out a sigh you nodded your head and waited in the library, freshening your knowledge on the Men of Letters, trying to see if they had any other secret hideouts. After an hour, you could hear footsteps approaching you, they were too light to be Sam's and too heavy to be Dean's. Reaching underneath the table you grabbed the demon knife that you'd stuck there. Pulling it free you kept it underneath the book.

You'd already made the assumption that it was the King of Hell. Though Sam and Dean mentioned nothing about him, just that he was an ass and they needed his help. Standing up, the book and knife in hand you started walking towards the library shelves, pretending you hadn't heard the man.

"Is your sister deaf?" the man cried, his British voice ringing out around the room.

Turning around you noticed he wa at least a metre away from you. Striding towards him you smiled sweetly as he frowned in confusion, gripping the knife tightly in your hand you threw the book at him as a distraction. Lunging at him you went to stab his chest, only to miss and be thrown to the side.

As you looked up at the man who towered over your body, his brown eyes dark with anger.

"This is the deal you were trying to arrange!" the man shouted in anger.

"Crowley, no she doesn't know about the deal. Just leave our sister alone, Please," Dean begged.

"What deal?" you cried.

"The deal to get the other half of your soul back. It's funny how these things can work. Though the boys are yet to offer me something that I want from them. Though I think I found it," Crowley says as he smirks at you.

"Crowley no!" Sam shouts as you and Crowley disappeared from the bunker.


It'd been a week since you'd been dragged to Crowley's... Lair? No not really a lair, more like a sex room. The walls a plush red, with a black bed centred in the middle. Letting out a sigh you circled the room once more, trying to find a way out.

"Hello, darling," Crowley spoke cheerily as he entered the room. His black suit freshly pressed.

You looked at Crowley with a raised brow, unimpressed that you were in his sex dungeon. Crowley just approached you, a smirk plastered on his face as he approached a cabinet, pulling out a small brown, plaid stock whip. A loud whimper passed your lips as the whip made a connection with your breast.

"What the fuck!" you growled.

"I can torture you as I please. After all, I made sure the other half of your soul was reunited with your body. The deal was I got you in exchange."

"I never asked or agreed with that deal," you growled, your anger boiling.

"Well your brothers did, so now little bird, I'm going to have my... Fun with you," Crowley smirked.

The lust that surrounded those words made you soaking within seconds.Crowley, was without a doubt, a few centuries older than you, but holy shit was he hot. Subconsciously your tongue darted out, moistening your chapped lips. Your eyes narrowed as you watched Crowley take a two quick steps into your personal space, forcing you to look up at him. Swallowing every ounce of fear that had built up in the back of your throat you place your hands on Crowley's chest, a small smirk appearing on your face as his smirk faltered.

"And what do you think you're doing, Darling?" Crowley asked as his hands sat on your waist.

You shrugged innocently, "Nothing."

Crowley let out an irritated growl of disapproval as a loud knock came from the door. As Crowley turned to leave you pulled the King closer, your lips brushing against his before you walked over to the bed. A subtle growl leaving his lips before he walked out the door muttering curses under his breath. As the door opened and slammed closed you laid on the bed, waiting for the King to return.

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