Sweet Lips (Dean)

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Opening your eyes you let out a groan. Last night's hunt had been harder than you expected and of course, you'd somehow managed to cop the worst of it. When you and the Winchester's finally arrived back at the bunker Cas had popped up, healing the broken bones and skin as you passed out. So now, as you sat up your head started pounding, demanding the daily intake of coffee that it was craving. Swinging your legs off the bed you ignored your reflection in the floor-length mirror that was behind your door, you already knew that your hair was a birds nest and underneath your eyes was dark purple bags. Cas' healing did wonders but it didn't erase the evidence that showed how little sleep you had, only foundation could provide that solution.

"Hey, feeling better after yesterday?" Sam asked as you walked into the kitchen, heading straight to the kettle.

"I feel like I was hit by a bus," you grumbled.

"Technically you were thrown into a wall and beaten by a Shapeshifter," Cas corrected, still not use to the terms you and the boys threw around loosely.

"It's just a saying Cas," you murmured.

Cas just tilted his head with a frown as he tried to understand what you meant. Letting out a sigh you made the coffee and sat at the table beside Sam, you're eyes watching your cup intently.

"You should tell Dean," Sam turned to you.

"Nope, he doesn't needa know Sam. He prefers sleeping around with bimbo blonde waitress' and having one-night stands. I don't need to complicate friendships because of my feelings," you muttered as you sipped your cooling coffee.

Sam let out a sigh and looked back down at the book of lore in front of him.

Dean's POV

Walking towards the kitchen I tried to calm my racing heart. I knew it was silly to be so excited but I loved seeing her every morning, her hair, though messy still framed her face perfectly and her eyes seemed brighter after she'd just waken up. Licking my lips I tried to ignore the desire to kiss her lips, I'd been wanting to kiss her since I first saw her. Well I did but she just slapped me before putting me on my ass. Sam had laughed his head off at what had happened. We'd been rival hunters till two years ago when we took down a werewolf together and since then we all thought it was better to hunt together.

As I neared the kitchen I stopped, hearing Sam talking with her.

"You should tell Dean," Sam said, causing me to frown. Tell me what?

"Nope, he doesn't needa know Sam. He prefers sleeping around with bimbo blonde waitress' and having one-night stands. I don't need to complicate friendships because of my feelings," she whispered, the pain clearly laced in her voice.

Looking down at my feet I tried to stop the rush of guilt that squeezed my heart tightly, making me feel ashamed of the one-night stands. The only reason I had them was to forget her, to forget the way her eyes crinkle when she laughing, or how her brows furrow when she's concentrating real hard on the lore book in front of her. How if a single strand of hair is out of place, she become frustrated with it, looking adorable as she scrunches her nose up in annoyance and glares at the hair in the mirror.

"Dean? You okay?" a small voice asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

Third person

"Dean? You okay?" you asked, your eyes wide in concern as you looked up at the giant with green orbs and freckles, though not as noticeable, flecked along his nose and cheeks.

Dean didn't answer you, instead he grabbed your wrist and lead you through the bunker, his long legs carrying him quickly as you stumbled behind him, trying to keep up with him. Once you both entered the library Dean closed the library door and locked it. His chest rising and falling at a rapid rate.

"Dean?" you whispered, worried about what was going on.

Instead of answering you Dean pressed you against the wall, one hand tangling in your hair while the other held your lower back. His lips molding against yours, as you gasped in shock, Dean's tongue slipped into your mouth. Without a second thought you wrapped your arms around Dean's neck, your fingers tugging the his hair on the back of his head. Your eyes closed as your mouth moved with his with ease, your tongues sliding over the other, battling for dominance.

Both of you pulled away at the same, breathless grins on both your faces.

"So what's this about sweet lips?" you whispered, your coffee breath hitting Dean's face.

"It means I'm yours and your mine," Dean answered as he pressed another sweet kiss to your lips.

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