Feelings (Crowley)

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"Dean come on please? Just come on this hunt with me!" You begged for the millionth time.

Lately it seemed like demons were growing closer and closer to wherever you and the Winchesters were and it was putting you on edge. Jumping at the slightest sounds and accidentally cutting Sam with a knife.

"And for the millionth time, no," Dean growled.

Even Sam wasn't willing to jump into this one.

"Why not!?" You demanded. Not that you were expecting an answer, because the other times you asked Dean avoided answering it.

"Because those are Crowley's demons keeping tabs on us," Sam answered.

"Why is he keeping tabs on hunters?" You asked in confusion.

"We don't know. All we know is he's keeping tabs on us. Everywhere we go, there's demons but none of them attack us or engage with us. So their keeping tabs on us," Dean answered.

Letting out a groan you walked out of the hotel you were staying in and into your room. As a thought fluttered across your mind you couldn't help but grin as you grabbed the demon knife and packed a small bag of weapons and a jacket. As soon as you heard Dean and Sam go out to a pug you grabbed your keys and raced out of the motel and into your little car.

Twenty demons. That's how many there were and you felt like an idiot for not realising that how many there were before now. You'd cut down two already, leaving eighteen. But you were already growing tired. As another demon went to lunge at you a wall of black appeared in front of you, screaming at the demons to leave. Looking around the wall you watched as each and everyone one of the demons left.

"Really darling? I thought you were smarter than that," a deep British voice commented.

Looking up you were met with Crowley's gaze, his brown eyes watching you carefully.

"Why'd you stop them?" you asked, confused.

"Because they were assigned to keep tags on you and the idiots you travel with," he grumbled.

"But wh-"

Your sentence was cut short as a pair of lips were pressed against yours and a set of arms pulled you closer. Moaning into the kiss your arms slipped around Crowley's neck, both of you smiling into the kiss.

"Feelings," Crowley mumbled as he pulled away from the kiss.

"What about them?" you whispered, breathlessly.

"I love you," he mumbled, pressing his lips to yours again.

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