Memories (Crowley)

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Swallowing his drink Crowley tried to rid himself of you. The burning memory of your eyes, how the simplest of things could make you happy. A mere rose or kiss on the cheek, a smile on your face lighting up your eyes.

"Crowley?" you said as you held the dozen white roses.

"Yes darling?" he answered.

"What's with the roses?" you asked with a giggle, your cheeks flushing a bright red. "Their beautiful and all but... why? It's not Valentine's Day or anything. So why the roses?"

Breathing in deeply Crowley tried his hardest to summon the courage that he needed.

"Do you want to join me on a date, Darling?" he asked, trying to seem cool and collected.

Looking down at the roses you let out a small sigh, your heart aching.

"Crowley... I-I'd love to but..."

"But you don't want Moose and Squirrel seeing you with the King of Hell?"

"It's not just that... it's because..."

"Y/N? What are you doing here? We have to get going," Sam said as he raced to your side.

Then it clicked for Crowley. You weren't scared to tell him you were maybe going on a date with him. You were already dating the Moose.

Crowley bit the inside of his cheek as he swirled his glass around. More whiskey appearing inside of it as he sat there. Tears burning his eyes as he took a swing of the bitter drink.

"Sam, forget it okay? I told him I was with you!" you screamed at Sam.

Crowley knew it'd been a foolish move to make. To kiss you like that, he'd been hoping that if he kissed you the feelings would go away. The feelings that only you had managed to make surface. As you pulled away and slapped him Sam had walked in, seeing only him kissing you. Of course Sam decided to take his anger out on you instead.

"I've told you to stay away from him!" he screamed. A lamp flying at the wall in his rage.

Rushing to Sam you hugged him tightly, the tears welling in your eyes. Even from a distance, Crowley could tell that you were trying your hardest not to cry.

"My King," one of the demon's said as he entered the room.

"What?" Crowley growled in anger.

"There's someone here to see you," the demon said, voice quivering.

"Who?" he demanded as he once again, refilled his drink.

"Castiel, my King."

"Crowley!" you screamed out, tears rushing down your face.

Crowley appeared as soon as he'd heard you saying his name.

"Yes Darling?" he said, a cocky smile on his face.

"I'll make a deal with you," you said breathlessly.

"What type?" he asked, brow raised.

"Bring Sam Winchester back to life, and in ten years you can have me. Whatever you want. I'll do it. I'll let a demon posses me and I'll do exactly what Dean did for you."

"No deal Sweetheart," he snapped. He couldn't do that to you. He couldn't make a deal like that. Not with the one person he'd ever cared about.

"Then I'll summon an actual Cross-Roads demon!" you threatened, anger making your voice quiver.

"I won't let them make the deal with you. He's not coming back. Once someone's dead, they should stay that way," Crowley growled, his eyes flicking to a red and black colour.

"Crowley please," you begged. Falling to your knees as a sob wrecked through your body.

"Why is it so important if he's alive or dead? Last time I checked he was abusive."

"Because I'm pregnant," you whispered.

The words crushing Crowley's heart, ripping his emotions into thousands of pieces as he stared down at you. His jaw tightening as he breathed in deeply, trying so hard to keep himself composed so that you didn't know how much this was crushing him.

"Fine. Go home, he'll remember nothing of his death. Just that he hit his head hard," Crowley said as he turned his back to you. The tears welling in his eyes.

"But... Don't I have to sell you my soul?" you asked, shock in your voice.

If only you knew the real reason I'm doing this, Crowley thought sadly.

"No. I'll bring him back without you sacrificing anyone's soul. Let alone your own."

"Thank you!" you cried as you stood up and hugged Crowley from behind. The tears falling down his cheeks as he stood there, not knowing what to do.

"Crowley, you wanted me to see you?" a deep voice rumbled.

"Did you do it?" Crowley asked as the tears fell down his cheeks. Though he barely felt them anyone. His cheeks so numb and cold from the years of pain.

"Yes, just as you asked. May I ask why though?" Castiel asked as he looked at Crowley in confusion.

"Because I love her," he whispered as he drank his drink.

It'd happened so fast that day. The weather was picture perfect for Kansas. Though inside your house lay the ugliness of it all. He'd been too late. Like always. He only appeared just as your soul slipped from your body and into death's grasp. He sat there on the floor beside you, holding your body in his arms as he cried. It'd been three years since he'd brought Sam back and this was how he'd treated you. Like a punching bag until your body gave out.

"Please please come back," Crowley sobbed as he brushed your hair away from your face. Your eyes closed.

"She wanted me to tell you one last thing when she was dying," Death said as he stood nearby. A sorrowful look on his aged features.

"What? That she hates me?" Crowley sobbed as he held you close.

"No, that she was sorry, and that she loved you," Death said before disappearing.

"You sent her soul to Heaven?" Crowley asked as both Castiel and him walked towards your grave.

"Yes, she seems... happy. Yet sad as well. Why didn't you just resurrect her?" Castiel asked with a frown as the two stood in front of your grave.

"I couldn't bring her back into a world where all she'd known was pain," he answered as he pulled out a white rose from his jacket.

"Why the white rose though? Every year you gave her one, even when she was alive," Castiel said with a frown as he stared at the rose.

Crowley sighed as he placed the rose on your grave. a fresh wave of hurt washing over him.

"White roses symbolise Purity, Innocence, Sympathy, Spirituality and loyalty to that person," Crowley answered as he stood up. His hands clenching and unclenching.

"Its sad though," Castiel said as he stared at your grave stone.

"What is?" Crowley asked.

"When two soul mates don't end up together," Castiel answered.

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