Never (Gabriel)

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Letting out a sigh your frowned at the book in front of you. The boys and Cas were out hunting a Shapeshifter who'd been killing most of the local people. So you weren't expecting then back anytime soon. Reaching your fingers out you grabbed your cup of coffee and sipped the warm liquid. You'd been trying to find any other way to kill a Wendigo because last time you tired you almost became its dinner. The sound of wings alerted you that someone was here. Closing the book you looked around, prepared to use your mug as a weapon. A blur of movement towards you caused your arm to raise itself as you slammed the cup over the persons head.

"Is this how you greet everyone?" Gabriel asked as he looked at you with a frown, unfazed by the cup that had broken over his head moments ago.

"Only people that don't announce that their here," You answered. Gabe grumbled something under his breath before plonking onto the couch, a chocolate bar being pulled out out of his jacket pocket. Rolling your eyes You sat on the opposite end of the couch and grabbed the book. As you tried focusing on the book of lore about Wendigos thoughts about Gabriel kept creeping into your mind. Ones that were inappropriate with the ArcAngel just inches away from you.

"Get out of my head Gabe," you grumbled.

"Not in it," he answered as he continued eating his chocolates.

Rolling your eyes you closed the book and walked into the library, the bunker full of books on supernatural creatures thanks to the Men Of Letters. Placing the book back in its rightful place you pinched the bridge of your nose, your head being filled with thoughts of the angel still. His lips on yours, his hands dancing along your legs as a dampness continued to grow between your legs.

"Get out of my head Gabe!" You shouted angrily.

"What?" Gave asked as he stood beside you.

"Seriously leave my thoughts alone. I don't know why lies Dean and Sam are telling you but get out of my head and leave it alone!"

"So Cassie ole boy doesn't lie about things yeah?" Gabe asked, a knowing smirk growing on his face. You eyes widened as your jaw dropped. Not Cas, he promised he wouldn't utter a word to Gabe.

"He didn't tell me. He's just really fucking loud with his thoughts when he's been drinking. So does Cas lie or not?"

"He lies," you answered. You didn't need Gabe knowing about your crush on him and lying was the only solution.

"So if I did this what would you do?" Gabe asked as he pulled you against him, your heart rate picking up.

"Well I doubt you'd let me go so there wouldn't be a point in trying to push you away."

Gabe just smirked, leaning down his lips brushed along your ear. His hot breath fanning down your neck. Shivering you tried to ignore the way he was making your body react with just a few touches. Forcing yourself to shrug you bit down on your lip, not trusting yourself to speak. Gabe chuckled, his nose brushing your skin gently making your eyes close as your mouth fell agape. A loud moan passed your lips as his lips started kissing the sweet spot. Your hands lifting themselves up and grabbed the back of Gabe's shirt, your fingers foisting the material as your chest rose and fell with uneven breathes.

"Still think Castiel is a liar?" Gabe murmured against your skin.

"He never lies," you whispered as your cheeks flamed red.

"Never?" Gabe asked as he looked you in the eyes. His whiskey coloured eyes watching you with a serious light in them.

"Never," you answered as you kissed the ArcAngel.

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