Study (Kevin)

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"Okay, so you times this by the ratio and half it-" Kevin explained as once again he explained trigonometry to you.

You stared at the paper nodding your head as everything flew over your head.

"You're not even paying attention," Kevin said with a sigh.

"I'm sorry! I just don't understand why I need this when I'm a hunter!" you groaned.

"Hunter's need this too you know? If you're doing a shot from a greater distance you need to figure out if the bullet will curve and miss and whatnot."

"Well it's literally flying over my head," you groaned as you slammed your head on the table.

"How about we take a break and then try again?" Kevin suggested.

Nodding your head you stood up and walked over to the lounge room that was in the bunker, it was nothing fancy but it did have a large TV and had Netflix. Plonking on the couch you patted the seat beside you, gesturing for Kevin to sit beside you. As Kevin sat beside you you're heart rate picked up in speed. You'd had a crush on Kevin since the day Sam and Dean introduced you two. Selecting season one of The Walking Dead you sat beside Kevin, trying so hard to contain the feeling of joy that was welling up inside you.

At some point in one of the episodes you'd started falling asleep. Your head somehow nestled on Kevin's lap as he played with your hair. Soothing you into a calm sleep. When you woke up, it was to the sound of Dean and Sam 'awwing' at you. At first you were confused why. But when you're eyes flickered open you could see Kevin's eyes closed, in a deep sleep. A small smile on his lips, his arms wrapped around your waist, keeping you close to him.

"Hi," Kevin mumbled, his voice still groggy with sleep. Smiling you leaned forward, kissing him gently on the lips. Kevin didn't need more encouragement, his lips kissing moulding with yours as he pulled you closer.

"About time!" Sam said with a laugh as him and Dean walked out of the room.

"So y/n?" Kevin said as he broke away from the kiss. His dark eyes boring into yours.

"Yeah?" you whispered, your lips brushing against his.

"Do you maybe want to go on a date later?" Kevin said, his cheeks heating up.

"I'd love too," you whispered as you kissed Kevin again.

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