Snowflakes (TFW)

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"Cas!" you groaned in annoyance as the angel stared at the mistletoe in confusion, trying to taste it.

"Don't eat it!" you screeched as you rescued the mistletoe from the angel's hands.

"Is that not what humans do with mistletoe?" Cas asked with a frown as you hung it above a doorway.

"Cas, you kiss someone if their under the mistletoe with you," Dean answered.

You watched as Dean started pulling at the green sweater you'd made him put on, Cas was wearing a red one and you couldn't help but laugh. Now you were just waiting for Sam, who was also wearing green to match his brother, you on the other hand had a red one on. Of course they were cheap and you'd bought them at a cheap shop the other day. Along with half the decorations that you'd thrown around the bunker.

"Sam hurry up!" you shouted.

Sam shouted back something about the sweater and walked out, grumbling as you started setting up the camera.

"About time. I want to have a photo of this," you grumbled as you pulled out a tripod.

"Let's go outside, better lighting and everything," Dean said as he headed for the door.

"You just want the Impala in the photo," you answered, though Dean did make a point about the lighting being better.

As you walked outside with Dean a smile pulled on your face. The dead grass and trees were coated with a thick layer of white snow, making it feel more like Christmas.

"Hey look! It's snowing!" Dean shouted as he raced over to the Impala, sliding over the hood and falling off the other side.

Stifling a laugh you set up the camera, putting it on shutter mode and a timer for thirty seconds. Pulling the boys up and standing in front of the Impala you couldn't help but smile as the snowflakes fell around yous. Flaking everyone's hair with white. Standing beside Cas and Dean and Sam you couldn't help the grin that was plastered to your face. It was nice, for once, not having to go on a hunt, pretending that you were all oblivious to the bumps in the night. Even if it was just for a day.

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