Taste (Balthazar)

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"Balthazarrrr," you whined for the millionth time.

The angel just rolled his eyes and looked down from a book about wines. His icy blue eyes watching you with slight annoyance as he raised a brow. Your heart racing as you tried to ignore the swell of feelings growing in your heart as you looked at the angel you were in love with.

"What?" He asked.

"Can we do something today? Please? I'm tired of being ditched and left behind when Sam and Dean are hunting and I've given them heaps of info. Can we do something please?" You begged.

Balthazar let out a sigh and placed the book down, his forefinger and thumb pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Fine," he grumbled. "We're going wine tasting and you won't complain," Balthazar said firmly as he stood up and walked towards you.

"Sweet lets do it!" You answered as you stood up, grabbing Balthazar's arm.

One second, you were in the bunker, the next, you were in a small courtyard surrounded by grape bushes. Smiling brightly you looked towards Balthazar who was leading you to a barn that was stocked with wines and other things. Swallowing deeply you could almost view this as a date, the place was beyond beautiful and the smells were better than the bunker.

Then again, most things smelt better than the bunker. As your hand slipped fro Balthazar's arm your eyes widened as his hand grabbed onto yours, his fingers interlacing with yours as the two of you walked.

"Uh... Balth why are we holding hands?" you whispered, slightly panicked.

"Because the Italian family that live here never let me taste their wine unless I have a partner with me. They wouldn't accept Castiel coming with me so you'll do," he whispered.

Letting out a loud sigh you looked down at the ground, your heart slightly crushed by that. Of course he doesn't like you, he's an angel for crying out loud, you scolded yourself. As you approached the small table where three different wines were placed you watched as a girl, maybe fifteen with beautiful dark hair and eyes poured the two of you a small cup of wine to taste. Tilting your head back you pretty much inhaled the alcohol and its sweet taste.

"Don't skull it, sip it. Let it rest in your mouth a few seconds so that you can enjoy the taste longer," Balthazar growled.

Shrugging the woman just handed you both another cup of wine. Doing as Balthazar said you sighed. The taste didn't change because of how you drank it so your were confused and annoyed. Putting the glass down you muttered something that was close to 'excuse me' in Italian. Walking away from Balthazar and the wine tasting you walked towards the grape vines, your fingers barely touching the leaves as you walked up a worn path. Letting out a sigh you picked a grape and started eating it.

"What was that about?" Balthazar demanded as he appeared in front of you.

"What?" you mumbled through the grape.

"The storming off after tasting the wine!" he said.

Shrugging you ate another grape, not really listening to the angry angel.

"Close your eyes," Balthazar demanded.

Swallowing the grape you closed your eyes unsure of what the angel was doing causing panic to rise in you. Jumping slightly as the feel of a thumb on your lower lip you could taste dirt and grape. Your tongue darting out and licking Balthazar's thumb by accident.

"Taste that?" Balthazar whispered.

Nodding your head you tried to ignore your heart as it started to race again. Keeping your eyes closed you tried to think of what Balthazar was doing, let alone what he was going to ask you to taste this time. A shock of electricity coursed through you as a pair of lips attached to yours. Moulding your lips with his you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer. The taste of sweet wine and Cinnamon lingering on his lips. Pulling away from Balthazar, breathless you looked up into the angel's blue eyes.

"Do you understand tasting now?" he whispered.

Biting your lip a smirk played on your lips, "I still think I'm a bit unsure about the understanding of appreciating certain tastes."

"Then we'll have to keep trying then until you do," he whispered as pressed his lips to yours again.

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