Roses (Lucifer)

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"Aww Sammy look at her, beautiful, smart and funny. Just like Jess," I said with a laugh as the girl walked in.

Her hair framing her face as her eyes darted around, trying to find a book on lore.

"You know what that means?" I whispered in his ear.

"I'll be the cause of her death," he answered, voice trembling.

"Sam you okay?" she asked, her brows furrowed in confusion.

"I'm fine, just reading out-loud," Sam lied, it was the worse lie I'd heard. Clearly the girl thought the same thing too, she just shook her head and walked out with a book of on Vampires in hand.

"Ooo, who's she? Lets have some fun Sam come onnnn," I whined.

"It's uh... Dean's old friend, Y/N. She's the first chick to turn around and say no to him," he mumbled, his hazel eyes darkening with sadness.

Grinning I leaned closer to Sam, "I'm gonna check out the hottie yeah?"

Sam glared at me, "Leave her alone!"

"But Sammy she's hot!" I teased.

"Leave my sister alone," he growled.

Shrugging I disappeared, finding out where Sam's sister had gone. After a few seconds I found her, although I was a mere projection of myself from the Cage, she wouldn't see me. Not unless I wanted her to.

"Useless book," she grumbled as she threw it to the ground.

"What's so useless about it?" I asked, allowing her to see me.

Although I was a mere "projection" of myself, Sam wasn't always the most cheery person to hang around with. You had to swap this stuff up and around every once in awhile. Her lips parted as she let out a gasp, her eyes widening in shock as she looked at me. A smirk tugging at my lips as I leaned against the door frame, watching her. Her chest rising and falling as she stared at me.

"Lucifer," she whispered. There's was something in her voice, something I hadn't heard for eons, it wasn't fear. I was all too familiar with fear, so what was it?

Looking around at the Cage I let out a sigh, it'd been what? Six or seven years since I'd taken hold of Sam Winchester's body and thrown into the Cage. Of course he left long ago, his soul soon following after him. Letting out a sigh I closed my eyes, the images and memories flowing through my mind about her. They way her hair framed her face and how her eyes lit up when she found joy in doing something she loved. The sound of loud cracks caused me to open my eyes. Along the top of the Cage was large splits, more than enough to allow me to escape.

"Winchesters," I muttered to myself. I wouldn't put it past them to have done this.

Spreading my wings I allowed myself to fly from here, more than determined to fly out and find her. As I shot upwards I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face as I shot free from the Cage and Hell. As I looked around I noticed a large field of red roses. With a grin I swooped down and picked a few. They were almost as perfect as her, I remembered her mentioning at some point that these were her favourites.

Breathing in deeply I sucked in a breath and tried to locate her, a frown forming on my face when I couldn't. Castiel probably put another thing on their ribs to stop them from being found. I wouldn't be surprised though. As soon as I located Castiel I knew already that he'd be with the Winchester's and Y/N. Breathing in deeply I hid the roses from their view.

"Where is she?" I demanded.

"Who? And how are you out of the Cage?" Dean asked with a frown.

Sam just stood there, shell-shocked that I was out of the Cage.

"Castiel, where is she?" I growled.

Castiel frowned before realising who I meant. His eyes growing sad as he disappeared. Following him I was more than confused at why we were in a cemetery. Castiel just walked ahead, me following him in confusion.

"Here," he answered when he finally stood to a stop.

Looking down at the ground I noticed a large headstone in cement, she never wanted to be burnt like a hunter. After all she'd never wanted the life but she stayed with it. On the marker was both a first and last name, ones that were too familiar to be true. I'd tried keeping tabs on her, my Gace checking to make sure she was okay. Each and everytime she was, I wasn't too great at knowing what year or how long it'd been since I'd checked on her but I tried to make it regular.

"She didn't die in a hunt. She died getting food, drunk driver hit her head on. I couldn't heal her and she wouldn't let me," Castiel answered as he looked down at the ground.

"When?" I asked.

"Earlier this year. I noticed that you kept tabs on her, the Winchester's never knew though."

"What am I meant to do now? I only left the Cage for her," I mumbled, my eyes stinging as the sun started sinking away.

"She had a daughter," Castiel answered, his words stabbing my heart.

"With who?" I asked, trying so hard to control my anger. The anger I'd worked so hard to control, for her.

"With you," he answered.

"That's impossible," I snapped.

"No. It is. Traces of your Grace were left within her, I don't know how but those traces were enough to create a child. Your daughter looks like her, although she gets angry the same way you do."

"What'd she call her?" I whispered, placing the red roses on the grave.

"Lucinda, she wanted it to be close to your name but not to the point where people would pick on her."

"I can take you to her?"

Nodding my head, Castiel and I reappeared in a girly room. On the bed sat a small girl, she was just like a miniture version of her mum. The same hair and eyes, even the same nose. She was at least five and she was beautiful.

"I'm Lucy, you're my dad Lucifer aren't you?" she asked as she climbed down from her bed and walked up to me.

"Yeah," I answered as I crouched down and hugged her tightly. 

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