Wake Up (Sam)

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"Sam? Baby?" you whispered, shaking your husband awake.

He was exhausted from last night but you didn't blame him. Fighting monsters and looking after your little girl could be exhausting at times, but the two of you knew it was more than worth it. Sam let a groan as he got up, long legs swinging out of the bed as he walked to the bathroom to have a shower like every other morning. Letting out a sigh you walked downstairs, making Sam his coffee and some waffles.

Just as you placed the last waffle on the plate you watched as Sam came running down the stairs. Duffle bag in hand as he struggled to pull his shoes on with one hand. Smiling sadly you walked up to Sam and grabbed the bag, grimacing at the weight of it as you and Sam walked out the front door. Dean waiting in the Impala, the heater going as the cold hit you hard.

"Do you guys really have to get up this early babe? You haven't even eaten yet, you haven't even said goodbye to our daughter," you said to Sam.

You didn't want to winge, you'd agreed to let him keep hunting yet here you were upset that once again, you're daughter couldn't see her daddy.

"I know baby, I'm sorry but I have to go," Sam said, guilt lacing his voice.

You knew he felt bad about not saying goodbye to her, and it hurt seeing her upset. She was just like a smaller version of Sam, the same hazel green eyes that gave you puppy eyes until she got the cookie she wasn't meant to have. The same brown locks as Sam but with more of a curl to it. She was beautiful and it hurt you sometimes when Sam was gone for a few weeks, because all you saw was Sam when you looked at her.

"I'll be back soon, I promise," Sam whispered, pressing a kiss to your lips before rushing to the Impala, taking the duffle bag with him.

"Bring him back alive Dean!" you shouted, your eyes prickling with tears as Dean smiled sadly at you.

"Always do," Dean answered before driving off.

A loud sigh escaped your lips as you watched the Impala race down the street. As you walked inside you looked at your watch, your daughter would be up soon and would want to know where her Daddy was.

Sam had returned three days later, of course your daughter was fast asleep when he crept into the house and into bed so you didn't bother waking her. As seven o'clock rolled around you looked over at Sam, still fast asleep and snoring. Grinning as an idea popped into your head you climbed out of bed, slipping out of Sam's arms and legs and walking to your daughters room. Crouching in front of her bed you gave her a gentle rub, knowing that she woke easily.

"Baby, wake up sweetheart. I have a surprise for you," you whispered.

Her eyes fluttered open in confusion as she sat up, rubbing her eyes as she looked at you.

"What sort of surprise mummy?" she mumbled, still sleepy.

"Go into mine and daddy's room and you'll find out," you said with a grin.

Your daughter wasted no time as she jumped out of bed, her pink nightie falling to her knees as she ran to your bedroom. A squeal escaping her lips as she jumped on top of Sam. Sam opened his eyes in confusion before he realised what was going on. Hugging his little girl tightly as he tickled her, a laugh passing her lips as he pressed kissed all over her face.

"Daddy! Stop!" she giggled, trying to catch her breath.

Crawling back into bed you smiled at the two most precious things in your life, your husband and your little girl. Laughing and smiling as they hugged you. 

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