One Big Family (Michael)

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AU Where the reader doesn't know Michael is an ArchAngel until one day, another angel comes from Heaven to remind him what his original task was.

Being a hunter was hard you knew that, but sometimes it felt like having a boyfriend was harder. You loved him but hadn't actually told him, both of you were hunters and in all honesty it was good, that both of you had each other's back. A smile tugged on your lips as you looked over at Michael who was driving the Impala, you'd been together for easily two years and recently you'd been doing more than just 'cuddling'.

"You okay?" Michael asked with a smile.

You shook your head, grinning, "Perfectly fine Mikey, no need to stress every ten minutes," you said with a giggle.

Michael smiled at you before looking back at the road, his smile faltering slightly as he continued to drive. You'd found the location of a vampire nest that had a dozen or so vamps. It'd be easy enough for the two of you if you crept in. It was also helpful that it was their sleeping time now. Licking your lips you looked out the window, unable to help your thoughts that drifted to the what if's. What if this was the day you died? You hadn't even told Michael how you felt yet, both of you had been together for two years yet you'd said nothing about it. Breathing in deeply you closed your eyes, in less then ten minutes you'd be there.

"Hey, we're here," Michael said as he snapped you out of your daze.

Nodding your head the two I you piled out of the car. Pulling the boot open you each grabbed two machetes and a gun. Even though the guns wouldn't do much, it'd slow them down for a few seconds. In those few seconds you'd be able to chop off its head. Walking to the front of the barn you looked at Michael as he gave you a tight smile. It's taken an hour to kill the nest. There were only a dozen vamps and most were killed while they were asleep. As you and Michael headed home something kept bugging the back of your mind. Rushing into the hotel you smiled as Michael grabbed your hand, spinning you around and kissing you. His soft lips crashing on yours, causing the two of you to smile.

The sound of someone clearing their throat forced the two of you apart. As you reached for the knife in your waistband Michael stopped you. Frowning you left the knife there and turned around to look at who had cleared their throat.

"Uriel," Michael said to the dark man who looked at the two of you with disgust.

"Michael," the man, Uriel answered in a monotone.

"What are you doing here brother?"

Brother? They looked nothing alike though, you thought.

"You seem to have forgotten your original task. We sent you to join Mary and John together. Not to use John and have your fun with this human," Uriel growled.

Michael hung his head in shame, "I know brother."

"You have three days Michael. We have to get the show rolling and you know we do and the only way we can is if John and Mary get together and have two sons. Three days Michael," Uriel growled before disappearing.

You stood there, eyes wide and pooling with tears. Pulling yourself out of Michael's grasp you turned around and glared at him. His blue eyes full of regret. Did he regret being with you?

"No, I don't regret being with you. I just regret these circumstances," Michael whispered as he ran a hand through his hair.

"And what do you mean by "these circumstances"," you growled out in anger.

"I'm meant to help John Winchester get with Mary. It's their fate," he answered as his face became stone cold.

"What are you?" You whispered.

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