Lucifer...? (Lucifer)

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Walking towards the bunker library you let out a groan, throwing another book on top of the other books you'd read through. Since the Darkness had been let out it'd created chaos. It didn't help that to defeat her, that you needed all the ArchAngels. That's right, all. Including the Dawn-Bringer. Lucifer. A shiver ran through your body as you bit down on your lip, your fingers tracing over another book's pages, trying to find a resurrection spell for an angel. There were plenty for the dead but apparently angels couldn't be resurrected unless it was God himself. Groaning in frustration you threw yet another book atop of the ever-growing pile.

"Useless books," you grumbled.

Letting out low growl you picked up a summoning book, if you couldn't reassurance an angel, why not bring forth the angel that was currently in hell now?


After drawing symbols around the bunker library to prevent other angels from seeing you breathed in deeply. Repeating the Latin words on the page before you. Each word easily coming out of your mouth, the chant flowing out of your mouth and echoing around the library. When you'd finally finishes you looked around the library, disappointed that the spell hadn't worked. It should have worked. Death had given it to you specifically because he knew you'd use it. So whydidn't this spell work?

"Oh it worked sweetheart," a smug voice said from behind you.

Turning around with wide eyes you looked at the angel who'd appeared. Blond hair short and messy and ice blue eyes that seemed to contain more anger and hurt than you'd ever seen. Biting down on your lip you looked at Lucifer, although he was "evil" and whatnot, he was the most attractive guy you'd ever seen. Somehow you couldn't stop yourself from staring at him, taking in the short messy blond hair and the icy blue eyes that seemed to pierce through you, yet you couldn't stop staring at him.

"Lucifer..?" you whispered.

"Thank you," Lucifer said, a smirk on his face. "Though technically I'm not that evil, I'm actually just an angel who didn't listen to his father. I'm not evil."

"Sure. I just want your help though," You said sternly, or what you thought was stern.

"With bringing back my brothers?" He asked with a raised brow.

"Yeah that one."

"Well, you only have to get Michael out of the Cage, Gabriel has to stop faking his deaths-"

"Gabriel isn't dead?" you blurted out.

"Human's are so dull."

"No, he's not. Haven't you noticed? He's been playing small subtle tricks on people. The Winchester's included."

"He hasn't played any on me," you answered in confusion.

"Yes, I know he hasn't. No offence but have you not noticed how Castiel and other angels are barely ever around you? It's because their repulsed by you."

"Just shut up okay? I just need you and the other ArchAngels to come back and defeat the Darkness okay? Put her back where she's meant to be yeah? And I'll stop being near angels if their so repulsed by me," you snapped.

Lucifer opened his mouth to say something but you just clutched your book from Death closer to your chest as you stormed towards your room. Not caring to come out anytime soon.


It's been easily a month since you'd seen Lucifer, and three weeks since you'd seen your brothers. Letting out a groan you pulled open a book, not one on lore or for research, but just a simple book to read.

"Y/N," a voice said causing you to jump.

Looking up from the book your happiness immediately withered away.

"Lucifer, what are you doing here?" you asked.

"I came to see my significant other," he said as he sat beside you.

"Significant other? Is that meant to make me feel better?" you demanded.

Lucifer didn't answer, instead he leaned forward, his large hand cupping your cheek and pulling you closer as he kissed you. His lips were cold like ice, yet somehow it sent shock of electricity through you, making your body want more.

"You have a birthmark, on the inside of your foot, on the arc, it's an arrow isn't it?" he whispered breathlessly against your lips.

Your eyes widened in shock, as you nodded your head. Causing Lucifer to smile. Slowly he kicked off his shoe and lifted his foot up, showing you the arc of his own foot. A small gasp leaving your lips as you saw the exact same black arrow on the bottom of his foot.

"Other angels are repulsed by you because I'm yet to claim you," he said shyly.

A smile formed on your face as you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer, kissing the angel.

"Then let's get started," you said with a giggle as he kissed you back.

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