I Know Who Father Time Is.

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The sound was that of a clock ticking to it's own rhythm. It was echoed by the many other clocks that surrounded the inside of Clock Tower located in a remote part of the Ghost Zone.

The Tower was home to Father Time otherwise known as Clockwork.The Tower had a way of appearing to those that it thought needed it and hid itself when anyone was looking for it and held darkness in his or her mind.

The only visitors that the Tower wanted to get rid of were those annoying floating eyeballs in robes.
The Observants.

The Tower, Vivean, was not like the other laires of the other ghosts that called the Ghost Zone home. She could communicate with words and with ticks too, but only if she wanted to.

Vivean's owner, Clockwork had many visitors from the Observants to a young half-ghost by the name of Danny Phantom.

Vivean hummed in approval at the thought of the teenage ghost. She knew a time when her owner had shut off all the other ghosts and had taken to his solitude. His name had been a legend and his image a myth.

When Danny had accidentally come upon her and had met her owner, Clockwork had changed. He was no longer drawn inwards like a infant ghost that had newly formed, content in watching the time stream like it was a never ending story. He now took breaks from watching the time stream to talk with Danny and answer his questions. He had other visitors besides Danny like Vortex, the Ghost of Storms, Ghostwriter, the Ghost of a Dead Writer, Nocturn, the Ghost of Dreams,Wulf,a Werewolf Ghost, Cujo, a Ghost Puppy, and Dani Phantom, the Ghost that the other halfa, Vlad Masters, had made as a clone of Danny.

Danny came most often to talk and study in the corner of the Viewing Room, where Clockwork watched the Time Mirrors.

And speaking of the young man, Danny was flying towards her secluded island at that moment.

She opened her doors and he landed on the soft earth before her steps.

"Hi, Vivean" Danny greeted as he walked up the glowing purple steps and into the Tower.

Vivean chimed a greeting as Danny moved around down the hall and into the main hall of the Tower. He looked around at the many rooms that was on the ground floor of the Master of Time's home and lair.

His green eyes looked left and right until he made it to the middle of the Tower where the stairs to the top part of the Tower was.

Danny looked up at the double staircases that was a deep green with a purple aura around it. He climbed the second set of staircases and made it to the top floor.

He walked down the hall to the door at the end of the hall that was open and entered.

"Hi, Clockwork" Danny greeted warmly while he approached the Time Ghost.

Clockwork was constantly changing his form. From a infant to a adult and finally to a old man. His ghostly glow was a deep blue while his eyes were deep red. On his left eye was a scar and he wore a deep purple cloak. His core was that of a grandfather clock in a case.On his writs were several watches and he held his Time Staff in his hand. The Time Staff had the power to stop, forward, or rewind time. It gave Clockwork power over all time.

"Hello,Daniel" Clockwork greeted back,he looked over his shoulder at the ghost boy."Your here for my help,again,I see".

"Your right,as always" Danny shook his head in amusement and walked over to stand beside the Master of Time. He balanced himself on the heels of his boots and rocked back and forth."I need to know something ".

" If you wish to know what the answers to your next test are you won't get it" Clockwork glanced at Danny from the corner of his eye.

"No that's not-" Danny paused and looked at him, quickly."Wait! What test!?".

Clockwork paused the time stream and floated around to face Danny.

"Time will play out as it should be" He said,amused by the look on Danny's face.

"But-but" Danny tumbled over his words."What am I supposed to do with that information? Now I'll forget why I came here.".

"You already did" Clockwork chuckled while turning to the time stream once more.

"This is a nightmare!" Danny cried out in horror while gripping his snow white hair."Wait".

Danny let his hands drop from his head and remembered that he had his book bag on his back."Do you mind if I study here,Clockwork? ".

" Of course not,I enjoy the company " answered Clockwork.

"Your the best!" Danny gave him a quick hug before retreating to the corner that he was usually seated in when he had to study.
Unconsciously, Danny turned back into his human form and pulled his book bag from his back. He sat cross-legged on the floor and opened his bag before removing the textbooks that he had inside of it.

Danny was smart enough to know that since he was inside of Vivean and that Clockwork was here with him that he was under their protection.
The Observants wouldn't dare show their ugly, eyeballs anywhere near him.

In the last few months, Clockwork had become another father figure for Danny. He listened to his problems, gave him advice, and comforted him when he came in with a sad look in his eye and a forced smile.

When he was about to start studying, Danny noticed a, familiar, thermos sitting on a table in the corner of the viewing room.


Otherwise known as Dan Phantom, Danny's Evil Future Self. The thermos was still the same pale gray color and, besides a few dents here and there,looked brand new.

Danny listened to the silence while focusing on the thermos.

No sound came from it.

That was good since Dan tended to annoy him with his constant yelling and thrashing around inside of the thermos.

Danny blinked and shook his head before sticking his nose into his History book.

Danny was so preoccupied within his few minutes of studying that he didn't see when Clockwork flew over to him and phased one of his Time Medallions onto his neck. Danny also didn't hear when the Master Of Time stopped time around them.

Danny looked up after reading several chapters and tilted his head confusion.

Why hadn't Sam and Tucker called him?

Pulling out his phone he checked the time and a smile crossed his face.

"Thanks, Clockwork!" Danny gave the old ghost a smile as he packed up his things and slung his bag back over his shoulder and dashed out.

Clockwork floated in front of his Time Mirrors with a smile on his face, "Your very welcome, Daniel".

The Master of Time continued to watch time just like before, but now he was also watching Danny in another Mirror.

Danny Phantom:The Ghost Zone's Keeper. (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now