The Hunter and The Hunted

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When Danny woke up to a gray clouded sky he knew that he was in for a rough day.

Clouds were never a good sign for him.

Danny had to keep himself from groaning as he made his way out of his bedroom.

He felt it already.

That strange off putting feeling that he usually feels when he wakes up on the wrong side of the bed. After a few minutes in the bathroom, Danny returned to his room with a towel around his shoulders that he was using to dry his hair.

It wouldn't be good to catch a cold on a gray cloudy day there was no telling if it was going to rain or not and his ghost powers would act up if he got sick, it had happened before.

And if a Ghost did show up at his school today he wanted to be ready and at 100% instead of at 50 besides there was no telling if those Ghost Kids would pop up today or not.

Danny dressed in his normal attire for school and grabbed his phone and backpack on the way out of his room. Heading downstairs he checked the time on his phone and decided to eat breakfast this morning, he had a few minutes to spare and it would give him a chance to talk to his Mom,Dad, and sister, Jazz.

Upon entering the kitchen Danny saw his parents and sister already at the table conversing about something.

"Good morning" Danny greeted as he sat down with them.

"Morning sweetie" His mother, Maddie, greeted back.

"Morning Danny" Jazz smiled at him.

"Morning Danny-boy" His father, Jack, greeted.

Danny stood and got his cereal, Fruitloops, and some milk. He placed his two items on the table before getting a spoon and bowl. Quickly fixing a bowl and putting his stuff back in their rightful places, Danny returned to his place at the table.

Jack was tinkering with a new ghost gadget of some kind that sent up sparks every now and then when he touched a certain circuit with the tip of his screw driver. Danny knew better,with years of experience,to stay away from anything that his Dad made, breakfast or otherwise.

Scooting back away from the device that was shaped like a hand-held vacuum, the teen started eating his cereal while his Mom and Sister talked about something that didn't interest him.

Before he was done, Maddie and Jazz had exited the kitchen and it was just him and his Dad there.

Not that it made Danny uncomfortable to be with his Dad. He had to be cautious about what he said when he didn't know what that new ghost gadget did.

"So Dad" Danny started and his Dad looked up at him. "What does that do?".

He was referring to the vacuum on the table.

Jack's eyes lit up as he held up the vacuum proudly.

"It's the Fenton-Vac!" He said. "It's able to suck up ghosts before they know what hit them!".

The Vacuum sparked before exploding and some of the pieces landed in Danny's cereal bowl.

Looking down at the pieces of metal and wires that were floating between his red and green Fruitloops, Danny raised his eyes back to his Dad.

"Well it will" Jack lowered the remaining pieces back to the table. "When I get it to stop doing that".

"Good luck with that" Danny picked up his ruined cereal and stood from the table. He dumped the cereal into the sink with his spoon, metal pieces and all, before grabbing his bookbag from the chair and his phone from the table.

Danny Phantom:The Ghost Zone's Keeper. (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now