Return Of The Detective Duo

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Dedicated to princEss040405

Keep being awesome!

I don't own Danny Phantom if I did Danny would be Clockwork's son.


Enjoy the story!

Sam tapped her foot as she waited with Tucker outside of Fenton Works. The teen goth girl had her purple spider book bag on her back and was leaning against the steps. Tucker was typing away on his PDA.

"Where is Danny?" Sam finally asked. She checked her watch and saw that it was nearly 7:50. "He should have been here by now!".


Tap tap.




Tucker paused and looked up from his PDA with his stylus in hand.

"Maybe he overslept" He suggested with a shrug of his shoulders.

Sam raised a eyebrow in a unconvinced way.

"I don't think so, Tucker" She said, glancing up at Danny's window on the second floor.


Danny flinched at the sound of his alarm clock hitting the floor. He, slowly, looked over his shoulder at the now mess of broken glass,metal,and wires.

"Ooo. That doesn't look good" Danny lowered his foot as to not cause a shortage within the plug which was still plugged in. Stepping over the plug the teen lowered himself to his knees and unplugged it before picking up the pieces of his Alarm Clock.

"Ow!" Danny pulled his hand back as though he had been stung by a bee,but it was a cut instead. The side of his thumb had been slicked open by a piece of metal and it hurt like crazy. A thin line of blood was seeping out from within the broken skin and a few drops landed on the top of the broken Alarm Clock. Danny stuck his thumb in his mouth and licked away the blood that had been oozing out. It wasn't that deep, but it still hurt.

Being careful this time, Danny began picking up the pieces again and tossed them into his small trash can.

Pulling on his book bag and stuffing his phone into the pocket of his jeans. Danny noted to himself to ask his Mom or Dad for money to buy another Alarm Clock after school. He walked out of his room and closed the door behind him. If he had waited a few more seconds he would have seen the light green glow coming from his trash can.

"Hey, Sam and Tucker!" Danny closed the door to his house and ran down the stairs to his two friends. "Sorry that I'm late".

"Your only a minute late" said Tucker,checking the time on his PDA.

"I kinda woke up l-Wait" Danny paused in his explanation and looked at Tucker as though he was crazy. "Did you just say a minute? I was late by a minute?".

"Yeah" Tucker returned Danny's look. "Are you OK, man?".

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine" Danny ran a hand through his hair.

"Your sure?" Sam asked. "You don't look so good".

"I'm fine, Sam" Danny lowered his hand. "I'm just still sleepy".

"If you say so" Sam shrugged her shoulders as the three started walking.

Danny fell into step between the two as usual.
"I'm sure" Danny tucked his hands into his pockets. "There was a bunch of Ghosts and I didn't get much sleep" Danny lied, and instantly felt bad about lying to his best friends.

Danny Phantom:The Ghost Zone's Keeper. (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now