The Truce

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I've found it wise to enjoy any time of truce, while recognizing it for what it is. A truce.
                                                ~ Cinda Williams Chima.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Danny jumped up from his chair and pointed at Vlad, who sat beside him on the couch with one hand while balancing the box in his hand. "There is no way that I'm calling a Truce with him! He's a complete and utter Fruitloop!".

"Young Daniel" Clockwork's tone made Danny feel as though he was being scolded by his parent for trying to get a cookie from the cookie jar before dinner.

During this entire time, Vlad was sitting there watching the two of them with interest. He was surprised that Daniel had displayed such emotion towards the Master of Time, and even more surprised that said Time Ghost displayed the qualities that a parent would to a young child back to Daniel.

He was feeling jealous that Daniel hadn't displayed that type of affection towards him, but he knew that he had wronged, and hurt, Daniel repeatedly over the short period of time that he had known him.

"I'll do it, Clockwork" Danny crossed his arms and looked away from Father Time. "But I won't like it".

"Very good" Clockwork ruffled Danny's hair making the teen smile at him. "I knew that you would".

Clockwork pulled his hand away and moved his Time Staff to the side making a Ghost Portal appear beside him.

"All is as it should be" Clockwork nodded to Danny before heading through the Portal, and was gone.

As soon as his presence was gone from the room time started back up, again and the only sound from the living room was the ticking of the clock.

"Fruit-" Danny caught himself and turned towards Vlad. He stared at him before sighing and holding out his hand. "I mean, Mr. Masters. I would like to call a true between the two of us".

Vlad stood up, still not believing what was happening, but he moved forward and clasped Danny's hand in his own.

"A truce would be fine, Daniel. Just fine" Vlad gave him a smile.

Danny smiled in response and said, "It's Danny".

"I see" Vlad gave a chuckle. "Danny, then. You can call me Vlad".

"Vlad" Danny tested the name on his tongue. "It's nice to meet you, Vlad".

"I'm pleased to make your acquaintance aswell, Danny" Vlad answered.




The clock struck twelve and sealed the truce between the two old enemies.

The following morning, Danny woke up feeling so much better than when he had gone to sleep. He felt refreshed and ready to go for some reason. It was strange for him to feel, but the truce between him and Vlad took a lot of stress off of him.

Looking around the room, Danny's eyes landed on the box that Clockwork had given him yesterday that was resting on his bag and drew him towards it out of curiosity.

Picking up the box and sitting down on the edge of his bed, Danny undid the purple ribbon and placed it beside him before he took off the lid.

A gasp let his throat upon seeing what was inside of the box. Resting there, neatly folded to fit the box, was a cloak similar to Clockwork's, but instead of being purple it was black with a white gear in the same place that Clockwork had his on his cloak. Danny smiled and picked up the cloak as though he was picking up a baby bird and hugged it to his chest. It was the greatest gift that anybody had ever given him. Placing the cloak back into the box with as much care as he did with removing it. Danny replaced the lid and put the box under his bed for safe keeping.

Danny Phantom:The Ghost Zone's Keeper. (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now