Danny and Vlad's Training.

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Dedicated to muffinkelly , ultimate-chaos,and princEss040405

"The wall! Your success is on the other side. Can't jump over it or go around it. You know what to do." - Dwayne Johnson

When Vlad had decided to help him, Danny expected that he and Vlad would be sparring with each other.

Danny didn't expect for Vlad to have a actual Training Arena in his basement!

Danny's blue eyes were wide with amazement and wonder, but he knew that he shouldn't be so surprised. Vlad was a billionaire after all and something as simple as a training area wouldn't put a dent in his savings.

"Daniel" Danny turned around and watched as Vlad came down the stairs. "What do you exactly need help with?".

"Yeah..." Danny rubbed the back of his neck. "Well you know that thing you did.. The Duplication? I need help with that".

"I see" Vlad gave a nod of his head to Danny as he brushed past the teen and towards the computer that was on the other side of the room.

Danny watched him with curiosity shining in his blue eyes.



A soft humming met his ears as the walls started shaking a little before they slid up and sunlight filtered in through the stain glass windows. Danny turned his eyes to Vlad in question and the older man simply shook his head.

"One does not simply duplicate, Daniel" Vlad spoke while going over to a closet ,that Danny just noticed was there, and opened it. From where he stood, Danny couldn't see what was within the closet because Vlad was blocking the view. His silent question was answered though when Vlad reached up into the closet and pulled down from the top shelf something that resembled a rolled up sleeping bag. He tucked that one under his arm and reached up to retrieve another one.

Once he had the other one in his hand, Vlad kicked the door closed with his shoe before returning to Danny.

"Here, Daniel",Vlad held out the one in his hand to the teen, "Take this".

"Uh. Ok" Danny took the thing and realized that it wasn't a sleeping bag, but was one of those mats that people who did Yoga had. "What am I supposed to do with it?".

Looking up from the rolled up mat, Danny watched as Vlad placed his on the floor in front of him and unrolled it with one of his hands.

Well that answers my question. Danny thought and unrolled his own mat a few feet away from Vlad's,to give the older man his space, and sat down Indian style.

Vlad looked down at him before sitting down in the same style that Danny was doing.

"Would you like to change into someting more.. Comfortable?" Vlad asked, referring to Danny's clothes. "We won't be just meditating, you know?".

"I guess your right" Danny looked down at his clothes and stood up. "I should change into something else".

Vlad nodded and stood with him, then, the two halfas went upstairs to change into more suitable clothing for training.

(Time skip brought to you by Clockwork.)

Danny's breath was drifting up into his eyes as white puffs of air. He was in his Ghost Form and had tapped into his Ice Core to try and better control it while also trying to tap into his other powers, but to no avail.

He wasn't really having any luck with bringing his powers to the surface and into a physical form.

"Come now, Daniel" Danny looked up and saw Vlad floating a few feet away from him with his arms crossed, "Your trying to tap into some other part of your core, still?".

"It's getting annoying, Vlad" Danny said with a huff making larger, thinner, wisps of  cold air come out of the sides of his mouth with each word that he spoke. "You can tap into your core so easily. You made it look easy, but I can only make ice".

He threw his hands into the air to prove his point and Vlad saw what the problem was.

What Danny was having problems with.

"Danny" Vlad's gaze softened and he uncrossed his arms. "I've had years of practice and you still have a long way to go so it won't be so easy for you to tap into the other parts of your core".

"It took me quite a few tries and months to do it" Vlad admitted.

"Really?" Danny lowered his arms and tilted his head to the side. He was trying to figure out what Vlad out of all people would have problems with.

"Yes, Danny", Vlad answered and held out his hand as though he was offering it to Danny and the teen watched as a brilliant red flame sparked to life out of nothing, "It took me a very long time to figure out what type of Core Element that I had".

Right before Danny's eyes the flame grew to twice the size that it had been before it broke into three, smaller, orbs of fire and circled around Vlad's palm like miniature planets.

"Wow" Danny floated closer to get a better look at the orbs then his eyes flickered up to look at Vlad. "Could you teach me to do that?".

Vlad gave him a fanged smile, "I thought you'd never ask, Danny".

How bright Danny's smile was made Vlad like had been handed the sun. It warmed his heart to see that Danny was warming up to him. That Danny was opening up to him as though he was a friend and not a enemy anymore.

Vlad's mind drifted back to the encounter with the Master of Time and he wondered,exactly, what kind of relationship that he and Danny had.

He couldn't help, but feel jealous about it.

No matter. ,Vlad thought, He may be the all powerful Master of Time, but he will never be able to be what I am to you, Daniel.

Well we now know that Vlad can be a Yandere.

Danny and Vlad continue their training.

Will Danny tell Vlad about the Ghost Kids?

And will Danny have to visit GhostWriter's Library with Vlad for more lessons?

Will they run into the Ghost Kids on the way there?

And why does Danny's new developing powers mean!?

Please comment and vote.


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