Geeks and Ghosts and Clocks! Oh My!

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The full moon shone in through the closed blinds in Danny's room creating spots of light on the gray carpet floor.

It was 10:30pm and Danny laid on his side in his bed. He was still trying to figure out what had happened to him this morning.

"I'm sure that I was at least 10 minutes behind schedule" Danny spoke to the empty room as though someone was in there with him.

As though someone was listening to him.

"I don't know how to stop time. I'm not Clockwork" Danny threw his hands up and the light on his alarm clock changed to 10:31.

Wait a minute. Danny sat up and grabbed his alarm clock from the side table.

" I broke you this morning" Danny tightened his grip on the clock. "I know I did. How are you fixed?".

The clock, being a inanimate object, didn't respond to his question and Danny furrowed his eyebrows in anger.

"Fine then" Danny threw his clock at the nearest wall,which was next to the window, in his small fit of rage.

At the last second he realized what he had done and jumped up.

"No!" Danny threw out his hand, wanting to stop it, but knowing that he couldn't. He closed his eyes and readied his ears for the sound of metal breaking and glass shattering to echo in his ears. He was ready for his heart to start beating faster than what it already was. And he was ready to hear his Dad's loud voice calling his name....,but nothing happened.

There was no sound.

Only silence.


Silence met his ears and after a few long minutes of no sound at all Danny decided to see why he wasn't hearing anything. Slowly opening one of his eyes to a crack and not seeing anything. He opened his left eye fully then his other one.

"Huh?" Danny stared at the clock that had stopped in midair a few inches from the wall. A deep green aura was around it and Danny looked at his hand. The same aura that was around the clock was surrounding his hand.

Blue eyes darted back and forth between his hand and the clock suspended in midair.

Could he....?

Danny moved his hand up and the clock followed his movement. He moved his hand left and it moved left.

"Cool" A smile grew across his face and he started making the clock bounce around the room, but never hitting the walls.

He turned his hand around so that it was facing him and the clock turned around. Danny saw that the time was 11:20pm.

"Oh man!" Danny withdrew his hand so that it was closer to his chest and the clock dropped out of the air like a rock. Good thing it was above Danny's clothes hamper and landed in it.

Walking over he lifted the clock out of his dirty boxers and returned it back to it's place on his side table. Danny climbed back into his bed and turned over. It wasn't long before he was fast asleep.

As his clock changed to 12:00am, a gloved hand rested it's self on the top of Danny's black locks and brushed it back. His scrunched up face slowly melted away as he let his muscles relax and he drifted into a more peaceful sleep. The hand withdrew from Danny's head and he was soon left alone without any knowledge of his late night mid-morning visitor.

Danny woke up the next morning feeling better than he had yesterday. It was a odd feeling if he was to be honest. His Ghost Sense hadn't gone off any time through the night usually it would and he'd be woken up by the Ghost, namely Skulker, who didn't seem to have a schedule or anyone else to hunt, and one time when he was sick it had been the Box Ghost.

Danny Phantom:The Ghost Zone's Keeper. (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now