When Time Steps In.

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It's a bunch of wibbly wobbly timey whimey stuff.
                        ~ The 10th Doctor, Doctor Who.

After a few minutes of feeling, and hearing, nothing, Danny lowered his arms to see what had stopped the blast that would have sent him into unconsciousness.

A gasp left his throat and a nearly identical one left Vlad's throat.

The blast wasn't moving at all, it was stuck a few inches away from Danny, suspended, within a distorted version of time. Nothing around it was trapped since Danny and Vlad could still move. Danny looked down at his hands and was relieved to see that he wasn't the one doing it so that left only one Ghost...

"Clockwork?" He called into the nearby empty room. He could feel Vlad's eyes on him as he scooted along the wall to get away from the blast when he was out of the range of it,Danny stood up and looked around the room. "Clockwork?".

"Are you alright, Daniel?" Danny gave a sigh of relief when he heard the Time Master's voice from behind him.

"I'm fine thanks for that" Danny turned around and saw that Clockwork was in his adult form and not shifting between ages like he would have been doing at the moment. He nodded his head towards the blast that was still suspended in time.

"Your most welcome" Clockwork floated over to where Danny was standing and placed a hand on his shoulder. He wasn't speaking to Danny as he faced the shocked Vlad that was still standing in that one spot, watching him with wide eyes. "Vladimir. I would advise you not to try and attack my ward, again".

His eyes glowed dark red and he summoned his Time Staff, "You would not like the consequences of doing such a act".

Danny turned around to watch Vlad's expression and Clockwork shifted his hand to his other shoulder.

"Daniel..." Vlad got over his shock and stood up straight while fixing his collar. "Who is this?".

"I" Clockwork decided to speak instead of Danny. "Am Clockwork. Master of Time and Father Time".

Vlad gulped when he realized exactly who he was dealing with and the power difference between the two of them. On top of that he now knew that Daniel had a very powerful, and very dangerous, associate.

"Well" Vlad straightened himself. "I'm-".

"I know who you are, Vladimir Masters also known as Vladimir Plasmius" Clockwork cut him off. "I am the Master of Time after all so knowing who you are would be mere child's play for me".

Vlad closed his mouth and shut up as to not upset the Master of Time any further than he had already.

"What are you doing here, Clockwork?" Danny asked looking up at the purple cloaked figure.

"I'm here young Daniel to speak with you and Vladimir" answered Clockwork.

He guided Danny by his shoulder to the entrance of the room and grabbed Vlad's arm.

"What-" Clockwork cut him off by saying two words.

"Time Out".

The world around them slowed down until time fully stopped.

"Come" Clockwork released Vlad and allowed him to follow behind him and Danny. Vlad reluctantly followed them to his living room, where, Danny was released and sat down on the sofa.

Vlad took the seat beside him and was pleased that Danny didn't move away from him like he had guessed that he would.

Danny looked at the Master of Time while leaning back into the sofa.

"As you may know, Daniel" Clockwork started. "That being the Master of Time allows me insight into the Future, Past, and Present".

Danny nodded his head and Vlad just sat there, patiently.

"As of late, I have been unable to look into your future beyond a certain point in time" Clockwork told him.

"W-what!?" Danny's face paled, then he realized what he had said and changed his question. "What point in time?".

"I can not see beyond this meeting" Clockwork sighed. "It may be our last meeting, and also it may not be, but I know what I must do if it were to be our last".

"Clockwork" Danny stood up and moved towards the Ghost of Time with a tremble in his voice. He didn't know exactly what Clockwork was going to do, but he knew that he wouldn't let him do it. He had a feeling in his core as though it was being torn in too. As though his heart was breaking. "You don't mean that...".

He couldn't finish the sentence that he wanted to so badly since a lump had formed in his throat and he tried to swallow it.

"Danny" It had been the first time that Clockwork had called him by his nickname and he looked up at him before he was pulled into a hug. Clockwork hugged the teen will all his might as he held him with one hand pressed against the back of his head. "It's not the end. There's no need for you to cry".

"B-but" Danny's frame shook as gripped Clockwork's cloak in both hands while bunching it up. "What will I do.. Without you...?".

"That young Daniel is a question I can not answer" Clockwork rubbed the back of Danny's head. "It's not like I'm going to be gone for a long time. The Observants need me at their Council".

Clockwork chuckled as Danny burrowed his head into his cloak and mumbled something about the useless, robe wearing, eyeballs.

"So you'll be back, right?" Danny pulled away and wiped his tears on his jacket.

"Most certainly" Clockwork pulled Danny back to him for another hug. "I'll be counting down until I get to see you, again".

Danny chuckled at that, "Even the milliseconds?".

"Yes, young Daniel" Clockwork let out a laugh at his ward's question. "Especially the milliseconds".

"Now" Clockwork pulled Danny away by his shoulders and motioned for him to sit back down which he did. "While I am gone I need you to do something very important and very crucial for the sake of time".

"Anything" Danny leaned forward. "I'll do anything!".

Clockwork smiled and withdrew a box from within the folds of his cloak and handed it to Danny.

"You need to call a Truce between you and Vladimir" Clockwork instructed as Danny took the box from him.

Danny blinked, and in true Johnny Test fashion, said these two words that confirmed his confusion.

"Say What?".


Jonny Test was my showwwwww!

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Sorry that this chapter was a bit short.

Will Danny and Vlad finally call a truce?

What's in the box that Clockwork gave Danny?

Why do the Observants need Clockwork?

Does it have to do with the four new Ghost kids?
How will Vlad react to the Truce?

And when will the other Ghost kids show up!?

Will Vlad finally meet them?

And what does Clockwork have in store for Vlad?

Stay tuned and find out!

Danny Phantom:The Ghost Zone's Keeper. (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now