New Students

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Danny leaned back in his chair with a bored look on his face. He was in Algebra and didn't really understand what their teacher,Mr.Lancer, was talking about. He was too focused on trying not to fall asleep.
Sam was in the back of the classroom with her head in her hand. Tucker had fallen asleep on his desk and was drooling away.
Dash was throwing paper balls at him from the middle of the class.

"Well students" Mr. Lancer walked around the his desk to stand in front of them. "I would like to announce that we have four new students that will be joining us today".

Now that caught Danny's attention and he sat straight up.

{Who could it be?}Danny thought as his attention was focused on the door instead of Mr. Lancer.

All of the class had gone quiet as the door creaks open,slowly.


A girl poked her head into the classroom. She had light-brown skin and short shoulder-length black hair that was pushed back with a headband. Her eyes were deep brown and she had square glasses on.

"Can we come in now, sir?" Her voice was soft and warm.

"Yes. You can" Mr. Lancer answered.

The girl pushed open the door more and entered followed by three boys,two of which had dark colored skin, and they were all taller than she was.

Danny looked at the other three boys. One of the boys had on rectangular glasses with a red shirt, blue pants, and red and black shoes. The second one was had a lighter skin color and wore a black shirt with blue jeans and black shoes. The last boy was the tallest and was bulky. He had his black hair tied back in a ponytail and wore all black. His jacket,which he carried on his arm,had a wolf logo on the back of it. Danny's eyes swiveled over to the only girl of the group and saw that she was the shortest in the group. Her outfit was a long-sleeved gray and green hoodie with a pouch and cat ears and tail with black, ripped, jeans, and gray boots. Around her neck was a black chocker with a leaf on the end of it.

"Please introduce yourselves" Mr. Lancer instructed.

"My name is Jade Iris" said The girl. "I like cats and reading".

"Nerd!" Dash yelled while laughing and pointing at her. Danny glared at him and saw that the three boys were doing the same when he turned back around.

"I'm Fang Sakota" The bulky boy told them while cracking his knuckles. "I like wolves and playing video games".

"Another nerd!" Dash laughed more.

"I'm Nate Orion" The boy in the black shirt and jeans spoke up. "I like video games and food".

"Three nerds!" Dash looked about ready to fall out of his chair from laughter.

"And I'm Montez Shadow" The last boy pushed his glasses back up onto his nose. "I like dogs and anime".


Dash did fall out of his chair at that and was laughing his head off.

"He's a strange one" The girl, Jade, said while looking at Dash. She pushed her glasses up onto her nose and the light caught the glass making her eyes hidden for a second. "He's a bully I guess".

"Your guess is correct" said Fang. "As always".

"Take any empty seat in the room" said Mr. Lancer.

Danny blinked and looked beside him to the empty seat.

{I wonder if the girl will sit here} He thought before looking back up. His sky blue eyes watched as each of them stepped out of line and headed through the rows of desks.

He watched as Nate took a seat beside Tucker and Fang took a seat beside Valerie. Montez took the empty seat near the door and Jade sat down beside him. He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye and was surprised at how small she was and how young she looked.

{Is she 12,but really smart? Or 15 and just looks young?} Danny thought to himself. He wanted to ask her,but didn't want to be rude. So instead,he turned his head back around to face Mr. Lancer.

"Now since that is out of the way" Mr. Lancer walked back to the chalkboard and started writing with the chalk. "We can begin today's lesson".

Danny let out a low groan and slumped forward onto his desk beside him, Jade looked at him.

"Your not much of a math person are you?" Jade asked.

"Not really" answered Danny,looking over at her. He straightened up and held out his right hand to her. "I'm Danny. Danny Fenton".

"Nice to meet you, Danny" Jade took his hand in her left hand and shook it. "I'm Jade. Jade Iris".

"Cool" said Danny. He withdrew his hand and looked back at Mr. Lancer to see that he was still writing on the board.

Danny groaned and layed his head on the top of his desk. He felt the temperature of the room affect him and he slowly closed his eyes.

Soon the raven haired boy was sound asleep lightly snoring and drooling on his desk.

Jade's eyes flashed to a magnificent gold before going back to the normal dark brown and a knowing smile stretched across her face.

They were ready.



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