We are Holmes and Watson!

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Danny wasted no time in dashing out of his last period class. His jet black hair whipped out behind him as he ran. He skidded around corners, jumped over railings, and burst through the door to the school.

He jumped down the school stairs and sped away from the school. It didn't take him long to get home. By the time he did make it there he was out of breath and sweaty.

Danny took a minute to catch his breath and a thin, blue,mist came out instead.

"Oh no" Danny looked around and quickly ducked into the nearest alley. He squatted behind the old dumpster and raised his arms above his head, "I'm going ghost!".

Two blue-white rings appeared around Danny's waist and moved in opposite directions. His shirt turned black with a white D with a P inside. His pants turned black and his shoes turned white. His hands were covered by white gloves that connected to the black sleeves of his shirt. When the ring past his eyes they turned from blue to green and the final touch was his hair that turned from black to white.

Danny took to the sky and looked around. His green eyes darted back and forth from building to building, but there was no ghost.

Danny was about to fly back down and turn back into Fenton, but was stopped by a very familiar voice.


"Not him" Danny rolled his eyes and turned around to face the annoying ghost. "What do you want, Box Ghost?".

"Beware!" The Box Ghost raised his arms above his head. "I am the Box Ghost! I have control over all containers, cardboard, and squares!".

Danny gave him a annoyed stare as his eyebrows came together above his eyes. He set his mouth into a frown and raised his hand. A ball of green energy formed in his palm. He looked ready to blast him back to the Ghost Zone.




"Huh" Danny found himself dodging spheres made of light. "What the-"

The spheres surrounded the Box Ghost in a circle and there was a bright flash of light that made Danny cover his eyes and when he looked the Box Ghost was gone, but the orbs were still floating there.

"Hello there".

Danny turned around and came face to face with a pair of golden eyes. A girl stood-well floated-a few feet away from him. Her skin was a tan color and her hair was long and cut in a Egyptian style bob with a crown on her head. She wore Egyptian style clothes that was a long dress with matching accessories that were gold bands on her arms and a golden necklace around her neck. She gave him a charming smile,but Danny's eyes were focused on the pole in her hand that still had a yellow orb on the end of the dog shaped head.

 She gave him a charming smile,but Danny's eyes were focused on the pole in her hand that still had a yellow orb on the end of the dog shaped head

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The wind blew her hair around behind her, but she didn't seem to mind. Danny felt a sense of Deja Vu hit him at the moment,but he didn't know what it was from.

The girl or her smile?

Danny blinked and realized that she had greeted him and he didn't do the same to her.

Blushing a deep green, Danny gave her a smile of his own.

"Um. Hi" Danny waved at her before he became confused and pointed at her. "Who are you?".

"Pardon me" The girl gathered her dress in her hand and curtsied. "My name is Cleo".

"Cleopatra?" Danny asked, raising a brow at her.

The girl, Cleo, dropped her dress and held her hand to her mouth as she giggled.

"No" Cleo shook her head. "Not Cleopatra. Just Cleo".

Danny watched Cleo as she looked him over with a calculating expression on her face that gave Danny, yet again, a sense of Deja Vu.

"It's nice to meet you, Danny" Cleo twirled her staff around in her hand before she placed it on the air in front of her and leaned on it.

"How do you know my name?" Danny asked while throwing his hands in the air. He soon lowered them to his sides as he watched Cleo raise a brow.

"I know a lot of things" Cleo answered and Danny saw something move behind her.

His eyes locked on the sleek purple appendage that was moving to and fro behind her back.

With a jolt of shock, Danny realized that it was a tail.

She had a tail!

"You have a tail!" Danny blurted out before he could stop himself. He covered his mouth with his hands with a gasp.
He expected Cleo to blast him with a orb and make him disappear like she did to the Box Ghost, but she only smiled at him.

"Yes I do" Cleo swayed back and forth while humming.

"There you are,Watson!".

Danny looked behind Cleo as another person flew up to them. The boy was about Danny's height with a light skin color, chocolate brown hair, and dark amber eyes. He wore armor similar to that of a knight.

"Hello, Holmes" Cleo nodded and smiled at the new boy

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"Hello, Holmes" Cleo nodded and smiled at the new boy.

"Who are you?" Danny asked, pointing at him.

"I'm Holmes and she's Watson" Holmes told him while placing his hand on the hilt of his sword.

"As in Sherlock Holmes and John Watson?" Danny crossed his arms and stared at Holmes in confusion. "And I thought you were named Cleo".

"I am" Cleo perked her cat ears up out of her hair and waved her staff. "It's time to go now".

"I believe so" Holmes nodded at Danny. "See you later, Danny".

"Remember Danny" Cleo drew a arch over them and the two were surrounded by a circle of light. "Reality is a illusion the universe is a hologram. Buy gold. Bye".


A flash of light followed her farewell and Danny was left alone in the air. He was also very confused as to what had happened.

Well that was a strange turn of events .

I'm sure that Danny thinks so.

Please comment and vote!

I don't own Danny Phantom.

And find out what happens next time.

See you then!


Danny Phantom:The Ghost Zone's Keeper. (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now