Book 2 Description.

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I started on Book 2 and decided to share the description.

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When Danny wakes up in the Hospital with both of his arms and legs covered in bandages and a splitting headache, he doesn't know what to expect. His parents told him that he had been a accident on the way home from The Nasty Burger with Sam and Tucker. Danny has no rememberance of any kind of accident, but he knew that his parents and his two best friends would never lie to him...Right?

But strange, and weird, things had started to happen and only Danny seems to be able see the giant tear in the sky that nobody else seems to notice.

On top of that he had been getting these really odd dreams that are always centered around these four people who Danny feels like he had met, but nobody else seems to remember!

And to top it all off, there's this silhouette that always appears in the corner of his eye when he's trying to focus on something.

He can never hear what it's saying, but he could make out the words that their lips were forming.

It's telling him to wake up and that they would be there soon for him.

Who are they!?

And why would he need to wake up?

He was already wide awake.

.....Wasn't he?

Danny Phantom:The Ghost Zone's Keeper. (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now