The Vampire Ghost

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Your one seriously messed up, Fruitloop.
                               ~Danny Fenton.                             

On a bright Saturday morning, Danny woke up in a happy mood which was rare for the teen. He jumped out of bed and did his morning routine, but as he walked back into his room something told him to look at the calendar because he felt as though he was forgetting something, something important.

Turning to the space themed calendar that hung on the wall beside his dresser, Danny's mood instantly shifted when he looked at the date that was circled in red then crossed out with the same shade of red. Even though he had tried to hide the date Danny could still make out what number was written there.

It was the 13th, but that wasn't really a bad thing it was what was scheduled on this date that made Danny frown as deeply as he did.

It was the annual trip to Vladimir Masters' house.

Don't get him wrong, Danny didn't... No wait.. He did have a ton of things against the other man that had been with his Mom and Dad during their highschool and college years. He had so many things against the man that he could write his own book about it and title it, 'The Reasons Why I Hate Vlad Masters'.

The top reason was that during the highschool reunion that Vlad was hosting he, Vlad, had tried to steal Danny's Mom away from his Dad and he had locked Danny in a cube that was Ghost Proof and could only be unlocked from the outside. That wasn't the only thing that got under Danny's skin. The other reason that tied with the first reason was that Vlad Masters was also Half-Ghost and he had made so many attempts to make Danny his son that the teen had lost count!

Groaning Danny searched for his suitcase,and upon finding it in his closet, started packing for the weekend trip.

He felt dread enter him when they were on the road and heading for the highway, and sat in the Ghost RV with his chin in his hands and his elbows propped up on the window sill.

His sister, Jazz was sitting beside him with her nose in a book, as usual. Danny sighed softly to himself and wished that he was anywhere besides in that RV.

Pulling his head away from the window, Danny used his hand to adjust the seat to a more comfortable position. Looking up at the ceiling of the RV and the sky that was slowly passing by with the occasional sign, and Danny let the boredom strike him like lightning.

He wasn't within range of any cell phone towers so texting Sam or Tucker was out of the question and he didn't think to bring anything else with him for entertainment.

Closing his eyes, Danny decided to try and sleep for the rest, or at least some, of the trip. He'd sleep until they got within range of the cell towers again, then he'd update Sam and Tucker about what was going on. Sleep came easy to Danny in that moment, and he would question why later.

*Dream Sequence*

Danny was floating in nothing, but darkness.

He could feel gravity pushing against him, but he wasn't going up or down.

He was just in that one spot and he didn't know what was going on.

Danny saw the area around him flash then everything melted in just like a video game level would. He realized that he was standing inside of some sort of tomb, and it was an Egyptian tomb by the look of the symbols that were on the walls.

"Hello!?" Danny called out loud and the only answer he got was the echo of his own voice. He started walking through the hallways that covered the tomb. "Is anyone here?".

Danny Phantom:The Ghost Zone's Keeper. (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now