The Winter Spirit.

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A large, fluffy, white blanket of snow covered the city of Amity Park.

It was nighttime and everyone who was anyone had turned in for the night, yes, everyone, except Amity Park's resident ghost boy, Danny Phantom.

The young halfa was zipping through the air, turning this way and that, in hot pursuit of a runaway eel ghost that had escaped from the Ghostzone.

"I don't have time for this" ,Danny muttered, as he halted to a stop, his white hair swishing as he did so, and watched the eel wiggle it's way down a nearby chimney.

Fighting back a yawn that was climbing up his throat, Danny flew down to the snow covered roof and landed, his ghostly tail turning back into his legs and feet.

Planting his feet in the snow, Danny shuddered as the cold seeped into the soles of the bottom of his hazmat suit.

"I s-should h-have brought a jacket" Danny stuttered through his chattering teeth.

Trudging through the mounds of snow that hadn't been cleared off of the roof yet, our young hero made it to the chimney and peered down into the darkness below.

Danny climbed up onto the ledge of the old structure made out of brick. He waved his arms for balance, since the snow along the ledge made it slippery, then jumped down into the chimney, unaware, of a pair of ice,blue, eyes watching him from above.


Danny hit the hardwood floor with both of his knees and coughed as soot came raining down from the chimney in his wake, peppering his white hair with bits of black and turning the collar of his hazmat suit black as well.

The floorboards creaked as Danny stepped out from the chimney, still covered in soot from head to toe, in search of that particularly, slippery, eel ghost.

Green eyes traveled over the sheet covered furniture and Danny wondered just how far, and how long for that matter, had he been in pursuit of that ghost.

He knew one thing though.

This house wasn't located in Amity Park.

So where was he?

Walking over to the window, Danny wiped away the frost that covered the glass and peered out into the world outside. He saw rows upon rows of trees covering the landscape.

Was he in Wisconsin!?

Did he chase that ghost all the way out here near Vlad's Mansion!?

And speaking of the ghost, Danny turned away from the window and started walking with each step he took the floor creaked under his weight.

Danny saw old photos, covered in dust and spiderwebs, hanging on the wall of a brown haired, brown eyed, boy and his little sister with long, brown, hair and the same colored eyes as the boy's.

Who's house was he in?

Danny peered closely at the picture closest to him, analizing the boy's features, and his bright smile that seemed to shine like a thousand snowflakes.

Out of the corner of his eye, Danny saw the eel's tail vanish into the next room and he gave chase, pushing the thoughts of the boy and the house that he was currently in, out of his mind.

Danny chased the eel through the house and as it tried to squirm it's way into a hole in the wall, he seized it by the end of the tail.

"Gotcha!" Danny held the eel in a tight grip with one hand as he pulled out the Fenton Thermos and popped the lid with his thumb causing it to hit the floor, bounce a few times, before rolling out of his sight.

"Awwwwwww man" Danny quickly sucked the eel into the Thermostat , so that it wouldn't escape and lead him on another wild goose chase, before starting his search for the lid of the Thermostat.

Dropping to his knees, Danny kept his head close to the floor as he looked under the bed of the room that he had found himself in. The room was old, just like the rest of the house, and had definitely belonged to the boy from the photo.

Danny could tell by the pile of boy sized clothes that were piled in one corner and smelled of mold, mildew, and snow. He could tell that they had been there for a very long time.

The question that danced across Danny's mind was:

For how long had they been there?.

Had the people who had  lived here once upon a time ago abandoned their stuff?

(No! They couldn't have) Danny shook his head as he sweep his hand from side to side, reaching his fingers out as far as they could go, to find the last piece of the Fenton Thermostat.

On his eel chase, Danny had saw that the other rooms had been cleared out of all the people's possessions. The only thing that had hinted to something previously occupying the rooms were the outlines on the floor that had signaled that there had been furniture in those rooms.

(They had been bedrooms-What am I touching?) Danny's train of thought cut it's self off as his hand came in contact with something fuzzy.

Tightening his fingers around the object, Danny pulled it out from under the bed.

Danny's eyes fell upon a pair of old,worn out, pair of ice skates that now dangled from his grasp.

"Ice skates?" Danny wondered out loud, white eyebrows raised in surprise.

"They're mine" A young, male's, voice answered from behind him.

"Huh!? Who's there!?" Danny jumped up and balled up his fists, readying himself for a fight.

The youthful voice laughed which sounded like the tingling of wind chimes.

"It's just me" The same voice answered now closer than before.

"Where are you? Why can't I see you?" Danny demanded while lowering his fists and relaxing his tense muscles.

"Who are you?" Danny repeated.

"You're just full of questions" A snowball was hurled at him from a unseen force and Danny was caught by surprise.


It struck him dead on in the face and Danny yelped at the coldness.

Shaking his head, Danny shook the snow off of his face and looked around the room once more.

"So you're not going to show your-" Danny was cut off as a cold hand was rested on his shoulder.

"You're not one for being patient are you?" Danny turned his head and found himself face to face with the boy from the pictures. The only difference was that this boy had snow, white, hair and piercing ice, blue, eyes, "Hi, I'm Jack".

"Jack?",Danny asked, "Jack what?".

The boy laughed again before smiling brightly,

"I'm Jack. Jack Frost, nice to meet you, finally, Danny Phantom".

"You", Danny's hostile expression melted into one of confusion, "Know who I am?".

"Yup!" Jack chirped happily while taking his hand off of Danny's shoulder and grabbing his ice skates from the halfa. "These are mine by the way".

"Their your's?" Danny asked, confused.

"Yes! And I couldn't find them for a while so thanks" Jack gave him another smile. "And I've also been searching for you so two birds with one snowball".

"Why?" Danny asked, "Why were you looking for me?".

A frown quickly crossed over the spirit's face,

"The Guardians need you're help".



This won't be just one part either.


Danny Phantom:The Ghost Zone's Keeper. (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now