Chapter 1

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"Thank you, that will be the end of our session. Well done, Phoebe," Mrs Edwards smiled with her so-called friendly smile. I grimace and that's her dismissal. She walks to the elevator and I wave as she steps into it. Once she disappears, I suppress the loudest moan which is followed by a quick squeal.
I hear my dad's footsteps and I already know that I've alarmed him. I chuckle and I quickly clear my table.
"Phoebe, do you mind? I've got a lot of work to do," he says, rolling his eyes.
"Whatever, Grey. If you need me, I'm in my room, ignoring you. Cause all that you care about is that Grey House and shit like that." I raise a brow and strut to my bedroom.
Okay, here's the thing; my dad and I don't get a long. He's favorite child is obviously Teddy, my older brother aka, my best friend. Yeah...most girls aren't close to their brothers but since I'm a lousy rich Grey, who's always locked up in this prison, his my only company other than my mom and Reese, my uncle, Elliot and Kate's child. Anyway, my dad doesn't have time for me. He has time for Teddy and he barely cares about his little girl. It hurts but it's also the cause of the new me. I've become a bit rebellious lately. I sneak out of the house when Reese has invited me to one of her school parties, I smoke and drink etc.

I lock my door and I isolate myself with my loud and pounding mashups. My DJ skills are pretty awesome. None of my parents know what I truly love, well at least one of them doesn't.
I mostly mashup Deep House and Electro. Best type of Dance music.
I play my Martin Garrix mashup that I've created recently and I put the volume on full blast, only to piss my dad off.
I strip out of my colorful clothes and slip myself in a nice pair of skinny ripped jeans, a black tight crop top and my favorite monochrome Converse sneakers.
This is my daily routine: breakfast, school session with Mrs Edwards and music till I go to sleep. Welcome to my life.

"BEBE, I'M HOME!" That yell excites me everyday. I jump out of my room with excitement and run to the kitchen. I launch myself at my older brother and hug him tightly.
"Ease me out of this misery," I said as I let go of him. He smiles and his cheek turn into a rosy color.
"Wanna go to the mall?" He suggests and Mr Spoil-Sport walks in before I could answer my fun older brother, "Not on my watch. You guys are staying here and having dinner with us," He walks closer to Ted and gives him a pat on his shoulder, "Theodore." I roll my eyes and shake my head.
"Hey dad," Ted replies a bit too sweet for my liking.  I make a 'tsk' sound with my lips and their attention is on me. My dad looks at the direction where the loud music is pumping loudly in my room.
"What's that racket?"
"My first and only love," I snap. He glares at me.
"Stop talking to me with that attitude, Phoebe. I'm your father."
"I don't care. All I care is about my talent and you don't even know what the fuck I do." I whip my hair as I turn on my heels and head to my room.
Once I arrive, I grab my phone and dial my mom's numbers. She always has time for me, especially when I'm having a problem with her fucking husband.
After two rings, she answers my call and my anger turns into vulnerability.
"Mom," I said softly, it almost sounds like I'm about to cry.
"Hello Phoebe, what's wrong?"
"Hot head Grey is up my ass again."
"That hot head is my husband and your father. What did he do now?"
"Being his usual self. Always sweet and kind when Ted comes home but he's always bitter towards me. Jesus, its like a sin to have a vagina in this household," I roll my eyes and my mom chuckles.
"I'll be home soon. Don't break his balls, okay?"
"Whatever mom. Those balls created me, anyways." I sigh and end the call. Her soft shy voice always calms me down. She's just a miracle worker.

Half an hour later, my mom is home and my angry spirit has lifted. I walk out my room, hoping not to face my dad on the way to greet my mom.
And yet again, he's the first to greet her, with a long passionate kiss and a disturbing embrace. Once he's done smothering her, I smile and hug my beloved mom.
"I'm so glad that you're here," I said softly. She lets go of me and smiles as she rubs my shoulders.
"I'm glad that you're glad. I'll be right back, okay?" She walks off, leaving me disappointed and in the same room with my father. I scowl at him as he walks closer to me. He looks down at me and I don't feel small at all.
"Why do you hate me so much?" He whispers like he's almost weeping.
"Ask Theodore and Anastasia. Christian, I'm not Dr Flynn," I growl and I walk away. Every argument I have with my dad, that is my most used line. The man hates my guts, I know this so well because apparently I remind him of some guy who almost killed my mom when she was pregnant with Ted. I know this cause Ted told me. He was drunk when he shared this type of information. That was the day I transformed into the monster I am today.

"Bebe, dinner's ready!" My mom called me. I walked out and I was already gutted to go sit and have dinner with my dad. I sit down next to Ted and I already dig in but I eat slowly.
"How was your day?" My mom asked with her sweet voice. I grimace and reply, "Boring, as usual. I had no one to talk to."
My dad rolls his eyes, "I was home all day."
I growl and drop my fork on the plate, "Like I said, I had no one to talk to."
"Bebe, why are you like this towards your father?" She asked. I stop eating and I look at my dad, straight into his gray eyes. It's gray looking into gray.
"Why don't you ask him? Does he even know that I've got an amazing talent? That I'm a DJ?" And everyone's jaws drop, "Yeah, I'm a fucking DJ and no one knows. All he does is work and work and work and reprimand me because my mashups that I create during my spare time, irritates him. He doesn't even know that I've taught myself to play his Grand Piano. All he does is care about you and Ted and his fucking business. I'm like a ghost, aggressively break dancing in front of those big gray eyes of his."
My dad looks surprised but sadly this is the truth.
"I never knew that I was this absent," he whispers with his voice, cracked.
"No dad, you knew. Ted actually told me why you hate me so much."
"Okay! Bebe, that's enough for the night!" Ted glares at me with his sarcastic smile. My parents look at each other then back at me.
"Lemme give you a clue, Ted drunk and  he speaks," I close my eyes then I open them again, "Maybe I must be Jack Hyde's daughter, hey dad?" I chuckle, my mom gasps and my dad face is as red as hot chili, "I lost my appetite." I push my plate forward and I storm into my room. That will leave him thinking.

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