Chapter 21

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"YOU SURE YOUR PARENTS WON'T MIND, most people get irritated with guests," I frown at Ross. He shrugs as he quickly scribbles down something on his notebook. "They won't mind. They'd understand the situation..." he holds my hand and kisses my knuckles, "Besides, Charlotte wouldn't mind the female company just don't use her stuff without asking. I tried but it was such a fail." I giggle and hold both his hands, "Wanna help me hand out my invitations at the football field? Janice must be pissed off that I'm late." He nods with a smirk. He rises from the drivers seat and we exit the Bentley, walking towards the big football field.
I find Janice with a box that's decorated with pink feathers and sequence. There's a microphone stand next to her.
As the hostess of the upcoming party, I walk towards it and clear my throat.
"What's up Lakeside!" I yell out excitedly. I get a very positive chant from the school, "You all must know me and if you don't, I'm Phoebe Grey; relative of the Grey's...not really here to tell you bout that part of my life.
Got a huge party on Saturday, consider it as my sweet and sexy sixteen. The theme to my party is, Vintage Lingeries. All girls should at least wear something sexy and not over the top, all guys should look like pimps. It's pretty much a brothel theme but much more...pumped up. ready to receive your invitations?" The same positive response comes from the crowd.
I call out the V.I.P list then the rest of the people who's invited to my party. The uninvited ones are actually invited as well but they have to pay an entrance fee in the form of a 'gift'.

"The whole thing was a huge success," Janice and I give each other a high-five and a friendly smirk. We say our goodbyes and she walks to her pale blue modern VW Beatle. It's currently dark and I can't really find Ross. Looks like he wandered off or something. Can't get mad, reading the whole invitation list was tiring. I walk out of the school premises and into the parking lot.
I wait and wait, minutes go by and the temperature drops. A white Bentley drives towards me and I walk towards it with a smile.
"Thought you left without me," I said as I sat in the warm seat. Ross puts his hand on my thigh, giggles and drives out of the parking lot.

I'm in Mrs Jenkin's study, busy finishing off my English and French essays due for Wednesday, when Charlotte walks in with the house phone in her hand.
"It's your mom," she whispers. I frown and take the phone from her and she exits the study. She might be in Detroit but I'm still disgusted by what I've seen. "Hey," she greets with her soft voice. Rolling my eyes, I answer, "Dad told you everything, didn't he?" There's a long pause and I just ignore the awkward silence.
"I know it's shocking, keep it a secret 'cause if you don't...then I don't know. I can't stop you," I hear her sigh. All of a sudden, my chest starts to fill up with this burning sensation. "What I saw wasn't shocking, it was disgusting and sadistic. Who does that to a woman? Why is he doing it to you? Why is there a box full of pictures of you, fully naked? Mom, I can't even look at dad straight in the eye and consider him a married stable man! Why me? Was I mistake while you guys were doing that stuff? Did he ejaculate while he was whipping you with a flogger, fucking you with a dildo? That's just fucked up. You're both fucked up. Don't ever call me, please. I have to catch up with school work," I breathe and end the call. Placing it gently on the table, I try to ease my mind off the situation and concentrate on the huge amount of work that needs to be done.

"SO ALL TOGETHER, X SIMPLY EQUALS TO negative thirty-six," I yawn and write it down. I check the desk alarm clock and it's one-thirty in the morning. I've got two more...two more...umm...two more. Head bangs the study table and I'm in the most deepest sleeping coma ever.
Few minutes later, I feel my body being picked up and taken to somewhere warm and a soft layer to keep my body comfortable. My spectacles are taken off and I pass out, back into my deep sleep.

"BEBE, WAKE UP," there's a gently shake on my shoulder. I wake up, completely alarmed and my immediate reaction is grabbing my glasses. Strong hands grab my shoulders and sits me back down on the bed. I look up and it's only Ross. He smiles and kisses my forehead, "Mom is wondering if you like eggs scrambled." I hand him my glasses and rub my eyes.
"Can she make strong coffee?" I ask with a overwhelming yawn. He nods and sits next to me. He pulls my head on to his lap and strokes my hair.
"You were up all night with all the work that's due for Wednesday and Friday, procrastinate a little."
"It's just in me; procrastination isn't in my vocabulary. My work has to be done." Grey's hate procrastination, well my Grandmother does. Maybe I get it from her...she's not my biological grandma though but I did get that from her.
Ross slaps my cheek gently, "Snap out of it. You think too much." I smile and close my eyes.
"School starts a bit late today. Mind taking me to my place...kinda need to take my phone and some clothes, whatsoever." I sigh. Ted must be worried that I haven't been home for a few days. Right now, he's the only Grey I really care about, even when he irritates me.
Ross pulls over my place and waits in the car as I walk towards the elevator. When the doors open, I feel a sense of sympathy for my dad. Maybe all those whips and chains aren't for excitement. There must be a reason to all this.
I walk out of the elevator and walk towards the hallway that leads to my room. Ted sees me and smiles. He walks towards me and hugs me tightly. Not like him to show me this much affection in the morning. I hug him back, stroking his muscular back with my fingertips.
"Staying here tonight?" He asks and puts his hands on my shoulders. "I'm not coming home any time soon," I bite my lip and frown. He looks like someone just stabbed him in the back. He lets go of me and runs his fingers through his hair, flexing his biceps, "Why not, Bebe? Why do you have to go like this? Is it because of dad, me or something?" He grabs my hands as my eyes fill up with unexpected tears, "Can't just leave your best friend like this..."
I look down at our hands and I let go of his. Walking to my room, I start shedding tears as I pack my suitcase with clothes, accessories and shoes that'll at least last me a week. I find my phone on charge on my bedside table. It's the last thing that I need. I grab it and slide it in my pocket, then my dad walks in and I completely ignore the expression that's on his face and walk past him. Ted is hurt that I'm leaving, dad seems disappointed in himself and I'm just trying to concentrate on myself. I love Ted to bits and seeing him like this does hurt me.

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