Chapter 8

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Wednesday morning, my father turns forty-four. Right now, my old man must be pissed off with me because I came home late. Exiting my bed, I take a quick shower and today, I'm going to wear my dad's favorite dress. It's his favorite because he suggested I buy it. It's an indigo summer dress that is sleeveless and it compliments my body well and it makes my eyes pop, the length is a few inches above my knee.
The dress isn't my type of dress. I don't like it but it suites my body type. I choose to wear my low-cut white Converse sneakers and some mini rings, I straighten my hair and I tie it half-way exposing my baby hair. With a touch of blush lipstick on my lips, mascara and some eyeliner, I'm ready to go. My backpack is already packed and I exit my room nervously. Once I arrive at the lounge, my phone makes a loud ping.
It's a text from an unknown number.


I smile and instead of texting my response, I call him. After two rings, the sexy nerd answers.
"I'm flattered that I've got such a hot stalker," I giggle shyly as I sit on the couch. He chuckles through the phone, "That's good to hear. Wanna head to the mall after school?" I sigh nervously and I bite my lip.
"I have to visit someone but I can't visit that person because it's my dad's birthday," then my mom's idea pops into my head, "But my mom said I can invite you that okay with you?" My heart starts to pound in my chest. Fuck, I hope he doesn't say no 'cause if he does, I would be fucking embarrassed.
"Sounds pretty cool. Why not meet my crush's family," Did he just say crush? He said I'm his crush! Oh my gosh! My cheeks start to warm up and there's a cheesy smile on my lips. I bite my lip and twirl a loose strand of my hair, curling my legs on the warm and comfy yet expensive couch, "So it's a yes?"
"I would be bummed if I said no." Ross giggles. Footsteps startle me and I quickly look behind me if it's the birthday boy or Theodore. Nah, stand corrected, it's mom. I relax on the couch and continue with my flirtatious call.
"My dad is pretty stuck-up, so just hit him with your fandom, maybe he'll like you." It's a good thing that I give him some tips 'fore he comes over, "Talk later?"
"Later." I hear him smooch the speaker of his phone and he ends the call. Damn, this young man knows how to turn me on! Mom sits next to me and her powder blue eyes inspects my outfit.
"You look nice, I'm glad that you're wearing Christian's favorite dress." Mom compliments my outfit. Dad walks into the lounge and I jump over the couch and leap into my father's arms. He wraps his arms around me as he catches me. I hear a huff once I squeeze him with my arms.
I squeal, "Happy birthday dada!" He chuckles and twirls me around.
"Thank you, Bebe," I kiss his cheek and I let go of him. He looks at my dress and he smiles, "I'm glad you're wearing that dress." Taking my hand he twirls me around then I remember that I have to tell him about Ross. Frowning, I let go of my dad's hand and I look at my sneakers shyly, ", I invited a friend over to your birthday dinner." He looks surprised and I continue, "He actually asked me out on a date but today is your birthday so I invited him over..." My voice fades awkwardly. He frowns at first then he suppresses the most uncomfortable sigh.
"Yeah...he can come." Dad says with disappointment. Right now, I don't care about his tone. As long as he agreed that Ross can come over. My only issue is that I won't be visiting Jack...
Maybe I can...

Walking towards the elevator, I'm stopped by my mom. I turn around and face her with a straight face.
"Mom," I breathe and look at her worried face. She holds my hand, "How are you going to school?" She asks. I manage to smile and answer her coolly, "With a cab. I'll be alright mom. I just wanna meet up with someone." A sigh of relief escapes out of her small mouth. She lets go of my hand and I step inside of the elevator. I mouth to my mother, "I love you." And she does the same thing. She waves as the elevator doors close.

"WHY THE EARLY VISIT? AREN'T YOU SUPPOSED TO BE AT school," Jack asks. I bite my lip and manage to lock eye contact with him.
"Today is my dad's birthday and he would be pissed if he knew I came here during his birthday dinner," I explain.
He rolls his eyes and mutters, "That cunt is turning forty-four, right?"
"You don't have the right to call him that. He's my dad,"He frowns at my defensive statement.
"Why are you defending the one man who pisses you off more than ever?" He yells.
I nibble my lip and frown, "We made amends and now I'm off the hook," I shed a quick tear but I wipe it before he sees it, "It's getting late. I'm heading to school. Bye." I stand up and walk out of the room with tears rushing down my cheeks.

"MS GREY, ARE YOU HERE?" Mr Whitmore -my Geography teacher- snaps me out of my daydreaming with his question. I hop slightly on my chair and I look at him with a frown. I fix my glasses, "Sorry sir. Ejected out of Phoebe world and back into Earth." He chuckles at my little joke and he continues with his lesson. I try to concentrate but my mind is stuck on what to buy for my dad. The man is into...what the hell is he into? The stupid perks of not communicating with your dad. mentioned that he likes helicopters. Charlie Tango! got him that last year. Umm...a new shirt maybe? A tie? Fuck. Never had such a difficulty of getting something for my dad.

After Geography, walking out of the class solo and I'm still thinking on dad's gift. Maybe I should get something that shouts 'forty-four!' No, what if he gets offended! Man, this man is old. Ugh.
"Well someone has got something that's disturbing that beautiful mind," I look to my left and its Ross who's taken me out of my over-thinking brain. Shyly, I look at him and smile.
"I just don't know what to get for my dad. My mind is just killing me at the moment. Even recess can't help me forget about this for a second or two," I complain. Unexpectedly, Ross grabs my hand and kisses it softly, making me blush.
"Why don't you get your dad a nice hamper? Get a little box and put all your personal touches in it," he squeezes my hand as he walks with me to the cafeteria. That's actually a clever idea but what the hell should I get for the fucking 'hamper'! "Let's go to the mall. Now." What! My eyes widen and I look into his beautiful eyes. Crazy yet sexy motherfucker! I stop and clear my throat, "You're crazy. Thats for sure. What if we get expelled or something!"
"We won't. Let's just go to the parking lot and hop into my car," he smiles. I struggle to breathe calmly as my heart starts to pound. "Okay, let's do it." We walk out of the school exit and enter the parking lot. He leads me to a crystal white Bentley. Classy car. He opens the passenger door for me and I start to inspect the interior. Nice black leather seats, a little hint of white on the radio and steering wheel.

"You've got a killer car," I stroke the seats as he starts the engine.
"Father's choice, my taste and thank you." We exit the parking lot in a flash and into the highway, leading us to the famous Seattle Mall. He strokes my leg as he drives and the butterflies in my stomach start to kick-off. My cheeks go extremely warm and I feel so...amazing! Like I already feel like his girlfriend. I smile and secretly start to giggle.
"I really wanna ask you out on a proper romantic date, make you my girlfriend and have moments like this." He squeezes my knee gently. I look at him and he gives me a side glance with a sly smile. Straightening my shoulders, I gain the confidence to answer him, "We'll see about that," I start to make tiny circles with the tip of my fingers on his big hand. I look at him and his smiling, shyly. He grabs my hand and kisses while his eyes are on the road. Cute!
"We're so making out later on," I smirk.

"ALRIGHT, WE'VE GOT CUFFLINKS, a Kurt Geigher tie, Versace men's fragrance, a little helicopter key chain and a little Big White shark stuffed animal. Hmm, what's missing?" I quickly pack the following items into the gift bag. I look at Ross and I'm already panicking. He grabs my hand, gives it a quick massage and kisses it, "What's missing is his daughter's love." He whispers softly. I smile at him and I quickly pull out a plain white card. On the front of the card, I quickly sketch a little girl holding her dad's hand, resembling dad and I and I write 'Daddy Chris!' big. I scribble down a sweet daughterly thing and I slip the card inside the gift bag. Before we exit the car and enter the elevator, I hug Ross and give him a quick kiss on his cheek.
"Thank you for taking this big risk for me," I whisper. He hugs me back, rubbing my back.
"Anything for my crush." I let go of him and I face him. His inches away from my face. Our lips are millimeters away from kissing and the mood is just right. His biting his lip while look at mine. I bite mine and look at his. He holds my face and brushes his nose against mine and let's his warm breath hibernate my lips.
"So beautiful," he whispers and he presses his sweet lips against mine. Kissing me softly...slowly and with extreme passion. I respond by closing my eyes, holding his face and pulling out his hair tie. My lips start to kiss his back and he adds tongue. He suppresses the sexiest moan as we kiss like it's New Year's Eve. Ross pulls me closer. His body is begging me to sit on his lap. And I do so. I sit on his lap and automatically wrap my arms around his neck. Ross' hands slide down my body and they're on my hips. Ten wonderful minutes of making out, I break the kiss and my breathing is loud. He pulls me closer as I rest my head on his shoulder and giggle.
"This has to be the first time I get intimate with a girl and enjoy every moment we share," he whispers. That's the sweetest thing a guy has ever said to me. He pecks my lips and we exit his car and enter the elevator, hand-in-hand.

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