Chapter 20

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My body is shaking and I can't even speak. My anxiety starts invades my whole body and I release my mouth.
"W-what I saw, w-was traumatizing," I take a deep breathe with my eyes close, "You're's kinky." Why me? Why my parents? Did they create me during all that kinky stuff? Whips and chains created Phoebe Rose Grey? No, that can't be. That can't be!" I open my eyes and look up at dad. He looks like he's been shot one hundred times. I can't help but to get disgusted every time I think of the room. Dad grabs my shaking hands and squeezes them, "It's not what it looks like. You weren't created by lust. You were created by love." Tears start to sting my eyes and I let them ooze down my cheeks. No, I can't be here. I need to go, I need to leave, right now. I push him off and run to my room and shut the door behind me. Taking my monochrome Converse shoes and slipping them on, I tie my hair and grab my school backpack and duffle bag. Breathing heavily, I squeeze in fishnet stockings, a black leather dress that hugs my body, denim oversized jacket and heeled combat boots. My dad rushes in my room, making me freeze and look at him in shock. He walks towards me, reaching out his hand. I shake my head and take a few steps back.
"Bebe please, don't go." He whispers. I scatter towards the bags and run outside my room, leaving my phone.
My body is sweating and my heart is beating. I repeatedly punch on the elevator button and as the doors open, my dad runs towards me. The doors close and I slide down against the elevator walls.

I BANG ON ROSS'S FRONT DOOR. Screaming and yelling out his name. Tears rushing down my face.
"Please, let me in!" I cry out. Less than two minutes, the door swings open and I'm happy it's him. I launch myself into his arms and hug him tightly as I cry. I can feel him panicking but I can't see it. I just continue crying and crying, staining his bare back with my tears. He doesn't even ask me what's wrong, he just picks up the bags and throws them into the house and carries me into the house. He puts me on the ground and I look into his luscious blue eyes. Takes both of his hands and wipes my tears. Holds my face and kisses my temple. I try to calm down but my heart is still pounding and my nose is still sniffing without my control. Mr and Mrs Jenkins come running down the stairs and they look very scared. When they see me in tears, Mrs Jenkins walks towards me and hugs me. "I see that you already taken we my statement seriously," she jokes. The first time I came to meet her, she was kind and told me that I may come here any time I like and make myself feel like I'm home.
She lets go of me and rubs my arms, "Want some tea or some coffee?" She asks with her deep yet sweet voice. I wipe my tears and murmur, "Some tea will be alright." Her sweet grimace makes me smile and she walks off with her husband by her side. Ross holds me in his arms again and kisses my forehead, "We've got about two hours before my alarm goes off. After your cup of tea, we'll just that alright?" He whispers. I nod and wrap my arms around him as my heart slowly starts to calm down. We walk hand-in-hand to his room.

We lay in his bed and he wraps his arms around me, pulls me closer and pulls his white duvet over us. I turn around to face him and I wrap my legs and arms around him. He kisses my nose and wraps his muscular arms around me.
"Sorry for coming in like that," I whisper guiltily. He groans and closes his eyes, "Don't be. I told you this loads of times, come here whenever you need me." Kissing his lips softly, I murmur against them, "I love you." Ross runs his fingers through my hair and says, "I love you way more than you love me." And he starts stroking my hair, singing "U" by Majid Jordan softly, making me slowly drift into a deep sleep.

I WAKE UP FROM THE DEEP SLEEP I JUST HAD, opening my crusted eyes slowly and stretching my body. I notice that Ross woke up before I did but that doesn't bother me. Moving my body out of the bed, I see a cup of tea on his bedside table. I hold the warm cup in my hands and slowly drink the sweet tea. After I finish drinking the tea, I lick my lips and place back on the table. I find a hair tie on the table and bundle up my hair in a bun.
Walking into Ross's bathroom, I close the door behind me and take a warm brisk shower. Washing my hair and thinking about the things I saw earlier on. Maybe I was a mistake. They made me while having fun but they never thought they'd have me two years after Ted was born. Maybe mom wasn't on her pill or those shots she takes from Dr Greene. I was unintentionally made.
Body clean, thoughts are killing me slowly; I wear the clothes I packed in my bag and dry my hair with the towel. I use Ross's hairbrush -like he even uses it- and I brush out all the tangles in my hair. Braiding it in a stylish way, I'm ready to go down stairs.
I find Ross, his parents, his older brother Daniel and his younger sister Charlotte. Daniel is in our school, a senior and he's a jock. A very nice jock though. He dyed his hair black and left it to curl and grow.
Charlotte is in middle school, turned fourteen last week Sunday. She's a blogger on Tumblr but she's very outgoing in person. Passionate about positive thinking and very nice.
As I enter the big dining room, I nervously greet them. They greet back with their Jenkins' smile and I take a seat next to Ross. He asks me, "Want me to dish up for you?" I try not to blush but I fail and nod. "Fruit salad will be alright." I murmur. He smiles and takes a bowl and starts dishing for me.
"I'm actually glad you came. It gets boring over here when these two nimrods just talk about stupid stuff," Charlotte complains. I smile, "At least they're nice. If they weren't, no would even like them."

WE SIT SILENTLY in Ross's car: his hand on my thigh and my mind is elsewhere. The thought of my parents being kinky does disturb me...disgust me. Is that they're idea of making love? By hitting each other, shoving things where the sun don't shine? The thought makes me shake with disgust.
My mind is back in the expensive car and my attention is on Ross. Behind his specs, he still looks cute. Manages to smile shyly when I just look at him. Being rewarded with his smile is way better than most things.
"Ted called me when you were asleep, told me he was worried about you," his smile died. My brow creases and before I could remember all the things I've seen, I squeeze his hand, "Forgot my phone in my room. I'll talk to him if I decide to go back home." I'm not even ready to go back there. Might look like a lush place but it's pretty much beauty behind the madness...or opposite.
I lift myself off the passengers' seat and sit on Ross's lap. Curling my arms around him, I nuzzle my nose into his neck and smell his expensive cologne. Fingers touring the tips of his hair, I start to wonder why am I so down about something like this. Besides, I've got better things to think of. Turning sixteen this Saturday, hosting a sexy vintage party; who knows, might even hand my innocence to Ross but ...we're still in the early stages of our relationship.

We enter the school, hand-in-hand and our little stroll to our lockers is disturbed by the intercom.
"Phoebe Grey, please report to the Headmaster's office, thank you." I frown and look at Ross. He shrugs and he has this confused look on his face. Sighing, I walk to the office.

I knock on the door gently and the Headmaster allows me to enter his office. Obediently, I enter and close the door behind me but I freeze as I see the man I was thinking about not long ago. My heart drops.
"Morning Phoebe, your father asked if he could take you home early," Mr Henson said. I lick my teeth and fold my arms, "No sir, I prefer staying at school. I've got a lot of work to catch up." Dad looks at me with widen gray eyes. I shrug as my eyes meet his. Mr Henson opens his mouth but then closes it before he comments. I straighten my shoulders and answer a bit more professionally, "It's my first day back from Miami's gig and I'd like to catch up with all my work. Spent almost two full weeks falling behind with my mid-terms study work," I grimace and nod, "So if you'll excuse me, I'd like to have an early start to my school day." Deep breath, eyes closed...anxiety is on a low-key.
Dad clears his throat once I open my eyes, Mr Henson looks uncomfortable. "Her decision is final. I'll take her after school. Sorry for wasting your time," Grey rises from his seat, shakes Henson's hand and walks with me to the door. He opens the door for me, allowing me to exit and head to my first class of the day but he stops me halfway. "When will you come back home," he asks in a soft voice. I look at him with tears in my eyes but quickly look away, "I don't know."

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