Chapter 14

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It's Wednesday evening and I'm packing for my flight to Miami. One huge black suitcase filled with makeup, shorts, crop tops, bikinis, tank tops, basketball jerseys, flops, sneakers, toiletry, curling irons and my laptop with loads of my mashups. Ross calls me as I just put my passport and ticket for the flight.
"I'll be there in thirty minutes. You ready babe?" He asks with his soft and genuine voice. "Yeah. Just need to give Ted the envelope," I said nervously. I sense him giving me a reassuring smile.
"You're doing something that'll help your career. Don't worry, okay?"
"Okay," I pause, "Love you."
"Love you way more than you love me." He finishes. I end the call with a bright smile on my face. Got my black leggings, Guns 'n' Roses tank top and triple white Yeezys on. My hair is wet and all swiped to the side.
My alarm clock hits eleven-thirty pm and I hear my parents' bedroom door close. That's my signal to exit my room with my backpack and suitcase. I meet up with Ted in front of the elevator. I press the button and hand him the envelope.
"Thanks for doing this bro," I thank him. He hugs me and the elevator door opens as I hug him back.
"Knock em dead." He winks as I enter the elevator.

Once I arrive downstairs, I see Ross' brother's Hummer parked outside with the squad at the back and his at the drivers seat. I run towards the car and squash my car at the trunk of the car and we're off to the airport. Miami, here we come!

IT'S THURSDAY MORNING, and we're smashed from the long flight. We're all packed out in the hotel and the others are asleep. In a pair of white high-waisted shorts, a black bikini -60's inspired- , a white cap worn backwards and flops, I'm heading to the beach where this whole festival is being held.
Once I get there, I meet up with my manager, Cole Denver -dark brown hair, dark skin and nicely toned body- and I start going through all the mashups I'm planning to play tomorrow afternoon till late. We're sitting on the stage, with my laptop on my lap and the large speakers playing my mashups, discussing which mashups I should cut out and add in.
"Take out Martin Garrix's Animals and add in his remix of 'Can't feel my face'. It's a pretty hot song. Then add in one of your Nervo mashups. There's a few Nervo fans coming here. Also add in Regenade by Vicenote," I nod as I listen to his advice.
"Done and done." I take a quick sip of water after I'm finished doing what he told me to do. "Who did you give the passes to?" He asks as I quickly swallow my water. I wipe my lips with the back of my hand and answer him, "Brother, parents, boyfriend, four friends and obviously myself." His eyes widen and he looks surprised. "Boyfriend, eh? How long have you been together?"
"Two weeks. He asked me to be his girlfriend after the Fall Dance. A few hours after that, my stupid dad grounded me for a month--"
"Does he even know that you're here," he interrupts me.
"No," I answer immediately. He makes a 'tsk' sound with his lips, "You know he's going to find out that you're here, right?"
"Yeah, obvs. Told my brother to give my parents the passes that also has a letter bout reasons why I had to disobey my dad. It really didn't take guts to do that. My dad is just uptight and shit, so disobeying him isn't much of a problem," I shrug apologetically. He shakes his head and laughs, "You're truly the different shade of the Greys." I roll my eyes and smirk as I scroll down the long list of different songs I'm going to play.
"What are you going to do if you're not off-the-hook once you get back home?" He asks with a crisp husky voice. It's a very good question and I never thought that out.
"Never thought of that but all I care about is entertaining the thousands and thousands of people who are coming here. What happens after the whole Miami gig, I don't know but as long as I'm concerned, it isn't much of a problem," and it's true. Dad has to understand that my career has to come first sometimes. It's like him missing a meeting because he lost his shoe or something. At least he knows I've got a gig unlike the other times when I sneaked out of the house just to attend my gigs in local clubs and outside Seattle.
Cole and I leave the venue and head our separate ways.
When I arrive at the hotel, everyone is downstairs at the hotel café, eating brunch and having a laugh. I walk in and smile as they laugh as a group. They look at me and seem excited that I'm here. I grab a seat and sit next to Ross.
"Hey guys," I greet. They greet back in unison and I almost can't hear what they said.
"So where were you?" Karisma asks a she takes a sip of her orange juice.
I yawn from the jet lag, "At the venue of the gig. Had to meet up with Cole earlier than I expected but I'm glad the meeting is over." Ross throws his bare arm over my shoulder and pulls me closer.
Cheyenne plays with her hair, "We're going to the beach after brunch, wanna join us?" I lean back on the chair and yawn again, "Sounds like fun but I'm catching up on sleep. Sorry guys."
"I'll stay with you," Ross says and I automatically refuse, "No, go to the beach and have your fun. I don't want to hold you back or anything." He frowns, "Won't you need any company?" I smile at his dorky reaction and squeeze his knee, "I won't need any company when I'm asleep. I'll be alright, just have some fun at the beach. Don't have too much fun though." I wink and kiss his shoulder. He sighs. Greg elbows him gently and says, "Dude, surfs up for the first time in two months. It'll be great." Ross considers his idea by stretching his lips and nodding. I rise from my seat and shake my head, "I'm too tired to eat. Enjoy your beach time." I exit the café and head to our hotel room that's fit for the six of us.

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