Chapter 5

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It's Saturday morning and I feel a bit better after the reassuring talk I had with uncle Lelliot. Waking up with vulnerability in my heart, I walk to the dining room to have breakfast with my family.
There's a conversation that makes them all chuckle until they see me enter. I run my fingers through my hair as I take a seat next to Ted.
"Morning," I said nervously as I fidget with my fingers. First, there's an awkward silence but then my mom greets me back and Ted follows by nudging me playfully with his elbow. I giggle and push him. Dad stands up and walks to his office and he keeps us all in query of his rude gesture.
"What's wrong with him?" I ask as I put some bacon on my plate.
Mom shrugs, "I don't know." He walks back into the dining room holding some paper, looks like application forms. He slides it towards me and I flip it over. My jaw drops and my excitement blossoms.
"Lakeside High School application forms," I whisper to myself with a large bright smile plastered on my face.
"Your mother and I talked about it but it's your decision to go there." He says. I look up and he grimaces. With a giggle and a smile I hug my father for the first time in years. He wraps his arms around me, hugging me back.
"Thank you, for listening," I whisper into his ear.
"Okay! Enough with the emotional talk, I'm starving and Gail cooked up a delicious storm. Let's eat!" My hungry older brother said. I let go of my dad and he kisses my forehead. Hmm, I guess his not a bad guy.

"THANK YOU, MS GREY, WE SHALL INFORM IF WE HAVE ACCEPTED YOU TO OUR SCHOOL," The headmaster dismisses me with a friendly smile and a handshake. I leave his office with a positive attitude. My cut-out heeled boots knock on the wooden floor as I enter the waiting room. Taylor stands up and escorts me to the front doors. I skip gleefully to the Audi and I open the back door.
"How did it go?" Ted asks with a smirk.
"Amazing! Oh my gosh, I hope this school accepts me." Taylor drives out of the school's parking lot and into the highway.

WE ARRIVE BACK HOME, WITH A HUGE DEBATE about who's going to chill in the game room once I get accepted to the school.
"Shut up Ted!" I laugh as we exit the elevator.
"It's true! You're going to end up snoring with the amount of stress high school is going to give you," he smiles and follows me into the kitchen. I take out one can of cola and sit on the counter. I open it and take the welcoming sips. The familiar footsteps walk towards the kitchen.
"Theodore," my dad bows his head at Ted. He walks towards me and kisses my cheek.
"Phoebe, how was your interview?" He asks. I take a gulp of my cola then I reply, "Awesome. Everything went positively well. I just hope this school accepts me or something." I don't know how it feels to be rejected and I don't want to know. The thought of Lakeside rejecting me is horrifying.
"Don't overthink it," my dad says as he pats my shoulder and pours himself a glass of wine. My frown deepens, "How do you know I was thinking about it?"
"You've got that little v in between your brows when you frown, just like mom." Ted laughs. I roll my eyes and smirk as I jump of the counter.
"Mind if I make another mashup?" I ask my dad and slowly exit the kitchen.
"Don't mind it at all. Just don't make a noise, I'm busy with my emails with Ros," dad said. I smile and walk to my room.

"BEBE! THERE'S AN ENVELOPE FOR YOU!" My mom calls me. I squeal with excitement and skip out of my dad's office.
She's holding a big envelope, and everyone knows when they give you a big envelope. I jump up and down with excitement and I take the brown envelope from her. She hugs me and I hug her back, "I'm proud of you." Mom giggles. A quick performance of my victory dance and I rip the envelope open.
I read out loud, "We are privileged to say that you, Phoebe Rose Grey, have been accepted to Lakeside Private High School." I can't stop giggling with extreme glee but I stop once my dad walks out of the elevator and into the living room. He greets my mom, with the same romantic greeting and he smiles at me. All white teethy smile.
"You know you can't hide that smile, tell me what's making you so happy," he sits down on the big brown leather couch, I bought for him before I started hating him like I used to. I turn the acceptance paper and show it to him with an extremely bright smile.
"Your little Rose is going to high school!" I squeal and I run out of the room, dancing and singing with excitement. I can't believe that I'm going to a normal school for the first time! This is a opportunity for me to see all the drama and attend the proms and Valentines dances! Oh my gosh! Finally, I'm going to be treated like a normal American. Embarrassingly, I walk back into the living room and I sit on my dad's lap. Still comfy and homely.
"Your daughter is going to attend high school next Monday," I inform him professionally. He laughs and launches his big hands on my sides and he starts to tickle me. I laugh out loud, kicking and squealing, trying to prevent my snorts.
"Dad, stop!" I snort out. He smiles and stops tickling me. He pulls me to his chest and we hug each other.
"I'm happy you're going to high school," he said.
"Thanks daddy but this calls for a celebration!" I let go of him and smile, "Can Reese come over and spend the night?" I pout and start to beg like a puppy. He frowns but he breaks the silence and nods.

I can't wait till I tell her the news!

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