Chapter 2

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I fire up my laptop and I start searching things about Jack Hyde. I find all his criminal records, the places he worked for, all his PA's etc. Right now, he's got four more months till he's free to go. Wow, so he spent eighteen full years in prison and he's still alive.
There's a knock on my door and I immediately reply, "It's open." The door opens and I turn to face my visitor. Gosh, it's him.
"If I'm such a burden to you, I forbid you from talking to me," I snap and my dad gapes at me like I did something wrong.
"Jack Hyde almost killed both your mom and your brother--"
"And how do I remind you of him? Dad, what did I do to deserve such a comparison from the semen who created this Jack Hyde look-alike," I roll my eyes and turn back to my laptop. I continue scrolling down Jack's information.
My dad clears his throat, "What are you doing?"
"Searching things about my 'biological' dad." I said sarcastically.
He grabs my laptop and slams it close. "What do you think you're doing?" I yell out my fury. I walk closer to my dad and attempt on grabbing my laptop away from him.
"Don't you ever talk or search about that rotten man in my house," he growls and clenches his jaw muscles. I walk towards my bedroom door, grab my leather jacket and I storm out of my room.
Once I enter the living room, I find my mom and Ted watching some program I don't know or care about. Luckily, I find Ted's Kawosaki motorcycle keys on the table. Fortunately, I know how to ride a motorcycle. I grab the keys and I catch their attention. I roll my eyes and strut to the elevator.
"Phoebe, where do you think you're going?" I hear my dad walk closer to me and I ignore his question. I step into the elevator and just in time, the doors start to close.
"Reese's place," I lie.
The elevator arrives at the parking lot and I run to Ted's white beast. I always fancied his motorcycle and I obviously begged my parents for one but no, I'm a girl and I don't need a bike.
As I start the engine, the elevator doors open and my dad and Ted come running towards me. I roll
my eyes and I rush out of the underground parking with the white beast.

I PARK TED'S BIKE OUTSIDE the prison that Jack is at. The info I found on the internet has kept me extremely intrigued to know more. I take a minute to study it.
"This is a make or break moment," I said to myself. I turn the engine off and I slip the keys at the back pockets of my jeans.
I nervously walk in and there's a female officer, not a really pretty one but she looks like she's part of the force.
"Evening, how may I help you?" She asks. Her tone is dirty and mean, I try not to tune her out.
"I'm here to visit Jack Hyde."
She raises her eyesbrows and inspects me slowly, "You are?"
"Phoebe Grey. Can I go see him now? I've got somewhere to go."
She stands up and leads me into the little visit room with telephones. The room is freaky. There's ugly prisoners and sad visitors. I sit down and I anxiously wait for Jack. I play with my fingers and I tap my feet.
Minutes later, a skinny tall, red-headed man walks in. He takes a seat in front of me and puts the telephone against his ear. He smirks as I put the phone provided for me on my ear.
"I don't know you but you look like someone I've terrorized before," his voice is deep and a little scary.
"Christian Grey, does that ring a bell?" I ask nervously.
"That bastard brought me here. Who are you and how do you know me and him?"
"I'm his daughter, Phoebe Grey and I've heard lots about you." He looks shocked by the fact that I'm a Grey but he smirks and leans back on his chair.
"Grey has a family now. Hmm, he's got a really sexy daughter, I must admit." He bites his lip and it sends disturbing shivers down my spine.
"He doesn't know that I'm here," I sigh and roll my eyes, "My brother Theodore told me that you almost killed my aunt Mia and my mom Ana. It's a touchy subject and right now, I would love to kick you in the sack. But that's not the point why I'm here. Apparently, I remind him of you."
He chuckles and rolls his eyes, "I'm exquisite but if you remind him of me, you must be a very special shade of the Greys."
I smile shyly, "I guess. The man obviously hates your guts, which means he hates mine. I know all loving dads are overprotective but he's just a pain to my ass."
"Tell me about it. I tried making a move on your mom but he had to come and socket punch me in the gut," he rolls his green eyes. I giggle. Jack isn't as bad as I thought he'd be. He looks troubled and stuff but he's very chilled.
"Are you sure you're not my biological father?" I joke.
"If you were my daughter, I would be a greater dad than your current dad."
"Listen, I don't hate my dad but I sometimes he's just so controlling. Like a damn dominant!" He grimaces and closes his eyes.
"Hey, let's make a deal, every Tuesday, you visit your new old man. I like you, you're a complete different shade of Grey." He smiles. I blush and look straight into his green eyes once he opens them, "Is it a deal, Phoebe?"
"Deal," I nibble my bottom lip and smile at the same time. I stand up and wave shyly at him. He waves back at me with a smirk. I walk out of the visiting room and out of prison. When I walk towards the bike, I see a very familiar Audi. I roll my eyes and I immediately know who the car belongs to.
My dad storms out of the car and struts towards me and grabs my arm violently.
"What are you doing here? You said you'd be at Reese's house!" He yells out loud.
"I was just visiting someone special. Leave me alone dad!" I yell and push him off me but he doesn't let go of my arm.
"We're going home." He growls with his teeth gritted. He pulls me and I stumble as I follow him towards the car.
"What about Ted's bike?" I yell.
"He's here to collect it." And yet he is. I see Ted walking out of the car and he stands in front of me.
"Remind me not to be around you when I'm drunk, Bebz." He rolls his eyes. I give him his keys. My grumpy dad opens the back door for me. I sigh and get into the car. When he gets into the car, I already hear him take deep breaths.
"Why are you visiting the man who almost killed your mom? Are you trying to torture me?" He yells out his query. I roll my eyes. Taylor starts the engine of the car and drives off.
"Answer me, Phoebe! Why are you doing this to me?"
"Because I feel unwanted from you dad!" I shout at him. I can sense that he is shocked. Well tonight was his shocking night. The night where I tell the brutal truth.
"You never said you are proud of me or you love me. You never say those things to me. You're always proud of Ted because he wants to be like you and I don't. I want to be a DJ and you obviously don't care about my dreams of making broken hearted people dance. Our whole family is into shit that helps the world or bring money unto the Grey name. It's not a blessing to be a bloody Grey!" I shed a tear of anger and complete hurt, "You said to Ted that I remind you of Hyde and that hurts like hell. Why do I remind you of such a man? I'm your little girl!" I start to sob softly and I lean against my door. There's an awkward silence the whole drive back home.

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