Chapter 1: New Team

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It was a normal day in the Konoha Ninja Academy. Today was team selection and Senpu was sitting in the back of the class, sleep. Iruka walked in the class and tried calling everyone attention, but no one listened. He grew irritated and yelled at everyone to shut up. All the kids froze and instantly sat down. Senpu opened his eyes and looked at Iruka-sensei, uninterested.

"Today, I will be announcing your team and jounin sensei." Iruka told the class.

'Hopefully I'm not paired with any of the clan heirs. Probably have Yuzuha on my team and Takeru.' Senpu thought to himself as he pondered on who would be on his team.

Takeru is Sakura's twin brother and Senpu's best friend. Unlike his sister, he takes the ninja world seriously.

He had pink hair that went down to his shoulders and two strands that framed his face, styled after his idol, the Yondiame Hokage. He wore a brown jacket with biege fur on the collar, white pants that stop at the ankles and had black ninja sandals. He had bandages wrapped around his calf muscles and forearms, also his head band sits on his forehead.

"Pssst. Senpū." Takeru whispered his name.

Senpu looked at him with a side glance.

Taking the initiative, Takeru asked, "Did you hear what Iruka-sensei said?"

Senpu shook my head no.

Takeru sighed, "He said, Team 7 is Sasuke, Sakura, and you. Team 6 is gonna be Yuzuha, Naruto, and me."

Senph sighed and looked at the remaining genin in the classroom. Naruto was grinning like an idiot, Sakura was fawning over Sasuke, who was ignoring her. Yuzuha was staring at the board with an annoyed look evident on her face. Naruto smiled at him with pity for his teammates.

Senpu glared at him. He believed pity belong to those who ask for it. The door opened revealing a male jounin with black spiked hair and a female jounin with two nin-dogs. Senpu threw a kunai at the male jounin and he appeared behind Senpu with a kunai at his neck.

"You shouldn't throw objects at your superiors." The male jounin said coldly.

"Well, my hand slipped." Senpu spoke with a shrug, before body flickering away, avoiding a flying pan from a raging Inuzuka.


After about 3 minutes, the remainder Team 7 found Senpu on the roof. Sasuke was staring at him with envy.

"What?" I asked.

"How does a loser lik-" Senpu turned away from Sasuke, ignoring his speech.

The male jounin spoke, "How about we start with introductions? Tell me your name, likes, dislikes, and dream."

Sakura asked if the jounin would go first.

"My name is Uzu Hatake. I am a younger brother of two. My likes are fighting and my dogs. My dislikes are bandits and perverts. My dream is a secret."

He pointed at Sasuke, "My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I like nothing. I dislike a lot of things. And my my ambition is to kill a certain man." Sasuke said as the area around him darkened.

Uzu sighed and looked at Sakura.

"My name is Sakura Haruno. I like...," she looked at Sasuke and giggled, "My dislikes are Naruto-baka, Senpū-teme, and Ino-pig. My dream is to...," She looks at Sasuke, squeals, and faints.

'Stupid fangirl.' Senpu thought.
Uzu sighed, then pointed at me.

"My name is Senpū Uzumaki. I like Naruto-sama, Takeru-san, and Yuzuha-chan. I dislike lousy ninja and Danzo-baka. My dream is to help Naruto-sama and find Itachi." Sasuke stared at Senpu with pure rage.

Uzu sighed and said, "Tomorrow come to Training Ground 7 at 8 am and we can begin your test. Don't eat breakfast and wake up Sakura."

He saluted before bursting into a plume of smoke. Sasuke and Senpu left separate ways, with the latter leaving a note to Sakura. He may not like the girl but they were still a team.

'Be at Training Ground 7 at 8 am. And eat breakfast. From Sasuke.

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