Chapter 18: Sasuke vs Senpū

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Sasuke grabbed Senpū's arm and pulled himself up before using a kick to separate Senpū from his hair. Sasuke smirked when Senpū stumbled back choosing to blow a large fireball at him.

Senpū slammed his foot on the ground launching multiple boulders into the sky, one intercepting the attack. Sasuke memorized each of the boulder's position before looking at the now vacant spot of Senpū.

Sasuke spun around in time to block a kick to the head and followed with the exact same move. Senpū attempted a sweeper kick which was avoided but failed to avoid the repeated move.

Falling on his back, Senpū disappeared in a poof of smoke making Sasuke turn to the boulder in the sky. Senpū, positioned on the farthest boulder, held his laughter in as Sasuke continued to stare.

Senpū stood up out of Sasuke's view and began thinking his next plan of attack. He looked back at Sasuke only to still find him staring.

Senpū raised an eyebrow and spit a stream of ice, made of cold water and freezing air, straight into Sasuke's stomach. Senpū waited as he watched Sasuke fall apart making his eyes widen.

Sasuke burst from the ground and successfully landed a sucker punch as Senpū spun around surprised. Senpū was delivered into the ground picking up dust and dirt as his boulders began falling.

Sasuke stumbled nearly falling off and jumped from boulder to boulder, ultimately avoiding being caught in a miniature meteor shower. Sasuke looked back at the destruction and sighed in relief before walking to Senpū.

'That was just a little too big for rain. Hn. Good Sasuke.'

Sasuke squatted next to Senpū's prone form and grabbed his hair, showing a trickle of blood from his forehead over his swollen eye to his chin. Senpū looked at Sasuke with his good eye causing Sasuke to drop his teammate's head.

Standing on shaky feet, Senpū glared at Sasuke with his one undamaged eye, his Sharingan. Sasuke shook as Senpū's Sharingan began spinning quickly but frowned when his Mangekyou Sharingan changed its design.

Senpū's Mangekyou Sharingan had a thick ring behind three silhouettes which resembled a jester hat greatly. They met in the center but was left open with three breaks separating the jester hat like tomoes. (Bio-hazard sign)

Sasuke broke from his trance and began his assault on Senpū who showed no sign of retaliating. With an almost infinite amount of kicks and punches blocked, Senpū successfully grabbed Sasuke's hair and began pounding his face in.

Senpū grabbed one of Sasuke's retaliation punches and twisted it, hearing a satisfying crack. Sasuke retched in pain holding near his wrist as to lessen the pain until Senpū grabbed his collar.

A pillar of earth rose behind Sasuke as more earth formed handcuffs on Sasuke keeping him trapped. Senpū kicked Sasuke in the face knocking out a tooth before he began stomping on his face. (Attack on Titan - Levi)

After several minutes of Senpū stomping and Sasuke healing, Sasuke gasped for breath as he threw up globs of blood. He screamed at Senpū and struggled roughly causing his curse mark to activate and begin spreading.

Sasuke winced at the increase of power at the untimely time that Senpū's Sharingan deactivated. The Uzumaki braced for impact when Sasuke appeared in front of him with a leg raised as the column was destroyed.

Senpū held his breath once he looked down and began throwing up gallons of water. Sasuke smirked evilly and kicked Senpū downward, leaving a giant hole making the water spiral like a drain.

Following his attack, Sasuke shaped his hand like a gun and 'shot' a stream of lightning into the water. Senpū looked up and frowned as he laid unmoving while the water slowly began filling back in.

He could feel the electric currents shocking him in the water but gritted his teeth in pain. The water completely submerged Senpū who shut his eyes seemingly submitting to death.

Sasuke's eyes widen and grabbed his neck in pain as he fell to one knee. He looked at his hand and brushed his hair back before deactivating his Sharingan.

He stared focus on the spot where Senpū would jump out and continue the fight. Sasuke soon became worried after waiting and waiting but seeing no one.

Sasuke stood painfully while his shirt, or what was left, fell off. He frowned as they were his favorite but he had bigger problems.

He dove in the water while having an inner turmoil with himself. As he was arguing with himself, he soon realized that he may have killed his teammate.

'What have I done?! How could I have killed my...*gag*... Best friend.'

Sasuke reached the bottom to find Senpū with pieces of earth falling from his body. His hair was burnt at the tips and his shirt was barely hanging onto him.

Swimming back up, Sasuke began using CPR trying to revive Senpū and began tearing up when his friend didn't move. Sasuke was so busy trying to save his friend that he didn't notice they had appeared back at the exam tower.

X Preliminary Exam Tower X

Sakura, Ino, and Naruto watched the final fight of the preliminaries while waiting for Sasuke and Senpū to come back. The two girls gasped and blushed when Sasuke and Senpū appeared shirtless.

Naruto's eyes widened as he watched Sasuke giving CPR to Senpū. Jumping from the balcony with Sakura, Naruto landed next to Senpū and held his head up.

"Senpū! Please don't go! Please...please...please!"

Everyone watched as red bubbles formed around Naruto and Senpū slowly. Uzu's jumped down and grabbed his other students and Ino saving them from being burned.

Uzu watched as the both Uzumaki's chakra bubbles began merging into a large fox. The remaining Konoha genin and their sensei landed next to the remaining members of Team 7.

The chakra lifted both genin up and separated them revealing Naruto to be crying. He glared at Sasuke and dashed at him with a clawed hand pulled back.

Uzu moved in front of Sasuke and Naruto roared in anger slashing. Everyone's eyes widened when Senpū appeared, blocking the claw and punched Naruto in the stomach.

Naruto gasped in pain and his eyes fluttered ultimately falling unconscious. Senpū stared at his brother solemnly and fell backward, sleep.

Uzu caught both genin, placing them on his shoulders and scratching his head. He sighed at Senpū and body flickered to the hospital.

'Senpū you hold too much in. You shouldn't bottle up your emotions. Your jinchūriki chakra keeps seeping through your seal. We should speak to the Kyuubi and figure this out.'

X Hospital X

Uzu placed the brothers in the same room, knowing they would complain otherwise. The jōnin was on his way back to the exams when he caught sight of Kabuto and the grass jōnin sensei talking.

Moving very discreetly, Uzu's stood behind a corner and masked his chakra before toning in on their conversation.

"Lord Orochimaru, all of the plans will begin at the 3rd exams. Soon, Konohagakure will fall."

Uzu's eyes widen as Orochimaru appeared in front of the jōnin with his blade. Orochimaru stabbed Uzu in the stomach and watched as the poison from the blade began making Uzu fall apart.

"No one can know until its too late."

Orochimaru smirked once Uzu's dropped to the ground dead. Kabuto lifted the jōnin's body and sealed it in a scroll.

"Goodbye, Whirlpool of the Leaf."

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