Chapter 11: Senpu's Rage

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XXX Wave Bridge XXX

Naruto coughed up blood before dropping unconscious. Sasuke screamed in anger and jumped in the air, drop kicking Haku. He ran through handseals and activated his sharingan.

"Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!"

Sasuke shot a fireball at the ninja, slamming into the water covered ground. Smoke filled their half of the bridge, before he jumped in the air and pulled out multiple shuriken. Haku dodged the barrage of shuriken before launching towards Sasuke and kneeing him in the jaw.

"Ice Style: Time Mirror." Haku spoke calmly as a thin pillar of ice rose from the ground.

Sasuke froze at the site before his eyes grew in surprise, "Itachi!"

The mirror cracked down the middle as an icy image of Itachi walked out. Sasuke glared and ran at Itachi, but was halted by a warm feeling. It washed over everyone in a wave of red and feeling of anger and sorrow.

"Kids." Uzu whispered to himself but was unable to help due to Zabuza's next attack.

XXX Tazuna's House XXX

Senpu's eyebrows furrowed as he clawed at the mattress under him. He had woken up with a strong burning in his stomach.

'Brat! Naruto's in danger.' Kasai yelled inside Senpu's mind.

"" Senpu mouthed before being instantly covered in red chakra.

A shockwave shook the whole land and caused his teammates to worry. The two genin looked at each other with worry and got up.

"Senpu! It's coming from his direction!" Takeru yelled before running over to the room with Yuzuha.

They opened the door to find Senpu covered in bubbling, visible chakra with the end forming a tail. Senpu looked over to the door to see his friends and growled. The Kyuubi-enhanced Senpu crouched down before disappearing.

Takeru's eyes widened and turned to Yuzuha in a whisper, "Naruto's in trouble."

They nodded to each other and began jumping through the trees. Unknown to them, two swordsman were headed to Tazuna's house.

XX Bridge XX

Haku and Sasuke looked on the end of the bridge after hearing a growling noise. They saw Senpu crouched on all fours with red chakra surrounding him.

Haku drew senbon and threw them at Senpu. They melt before they even reached the tip of his hair.

The Uzumaki roared in rage and vanished from his spot before appearing in front of Haku. His leg was drew back before kicking the ice user across the bridge.

Haku stood up before his mask broke revealing a feminine face. Senpu moved to fast for even Zabuza to keep up with.

He kicked Haku into the air, with each kick getting higher and higher before kicking him back down. After Haku hit the ground, Senpu threw his hand forward.

"Almighty Push!"

Rocks fell from under the bridge into the rough waters below. On the top, Zabuza stood over Haku while using his sword as a shield.

The ground under him was cracked and his bandages had lossened. A small stream of blood flowed from his mouth.

"Z-Zabuza...sama... I'm sorry. I wasn't a good tool." Haku said with tears in his eyes as it began to snow.

Zabuza looked at his student with heavy tears and chuckled, "We were both crappy. I'm sorry, Haku."

Senpu watched the scene with saddened eyes as the red chakra faded. Seeing them like that brought him back into a good mindset. He began to fall as his eyes fluttered shut.

"Senpu!" Kakashi yelled and tried to catched him.

Suddenly, a large toad appeared under Senpu as he was caught by someone. Kakashi looked closer to see Takeru and Yuzuha holding Senpu.

Kakashi sighed in relief and looked over to see Naruto starting to awaken. He would've smiled had he not heard the distinct sound of running and clinching of metal.

"Prepare yourselves!" Kakashi yelled but he saw Zabuza and Haku move in front.

Sasuke moved over to Sakura and told her to watch Naruto till he got back. She nodded and began removing the neddles from his body.

'Senpu... a name to remember.' Zabuza thought as his employer exited the forest with bandits behind him.

XX Tazuna's House XX

Mimi sat inside the kitchen along with Tsunami and Inari as Tsunami cooked a meal for everyone. Inari glanced at Mimi with a blush on his face before nudging her leg.

"Yes, Inari-kun?" Mimi looked down at their client's grandson curiously.

"Do you think Naruto will be okay?" Inari asked and Mimi smiled.

It seemed that Naruto's way of speaking had convinced the once pessimistic child to see the brighter side again. She smiled as she remembered Team 11's genin exam.

Naruto had used shadow clones to trick her and her dogs into thinking they had captured the genins. She watched as Yuzuha was about to give up but Naruto gave his inspiring speech.

It caused a 180 flip in Yuzuha and together they almost beat her. The only reason they didn't was because Naruto had drank spoiled milk.

It did wonders to the body and caused him to freeze up in crucial moments. To counter this in the future, Team 11 went and bought Naruto groceries.

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