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VocalNaruto: I forgot to describe you.

Senpū: *deadpans* Really?

VocalNaruto: Yep!

Senpū: Well imagine this: I am 5'1" and weigh around 125 lbs. My hair is straightened with a bang covering my left eye. The back is unruly in a low ponytail reaching my mid-back. I have a mole under my right eye and small k9s peek from my lips. My eyes used to be blue but that changed during...something.

VocalNaruto: What do your eyes look like now?

Senpū: *lifts hair* I got my sharingan from a 'friend' and my rinnegan formed due to the sharingan.

VocalNaruto: Elaborate.

Senpū: I did some research and I found out that when you combine Senju and Uchiha blood you get the rinnegan. Uzumakis are descendants of Senjus and the Sharingan was freshly removed so...pop! Rinnegan.

VocalNaruto: How about you describe your clothes?

Senpū: *picks ear and stands* As you can see, I'm wearing mesh armor under this red coat, which is usually closed. I have on black pants tucked in red ninja boots. On my hands are black fingerless gloves and when put together form a white fox head. My headband is around my neck and has black cloth. Around my waist, I have nine orange fox tail clips as semblance to Kasai.

VocalNaruto: *Nods* Thank you.


Senpū was very irritated as he stared at the pervert in front of him. Naruto's eyebrow twitched as the pervert attempted introduce himself.

"No! I don't care who you are...but you can't go peeking on women." Senpū spoke through clinched teeth before turning to leave. Naruto nodded and began walking away too, but stopped when the pervert spoke.

"Well My name is Jiraiya, Toad of the Legendary Sannin. Who are you two?" Naruto beamed, "Naruto Uzumaki, future hokage and this," he pointed at Senpū, "he's my big brother Senpū," Naruto looked at Senpū who shrugged his shoulders and looked away embarrassed.

Jiraiya laughed heartedly before closing one eye and smirking, "How about I help you get stronger?" Naruto cheered while Senpū suppressed a shiver from past memories. Jiraiya noticed, but shrugged it off for later.

"Do you know how to walk on water?" The brothers nodded, "Summon?" The brother shook their heads no making Jiraiya smirk. "Perfect! Follow me!" He yelled before walking away with Naruto following willingly and Senpū being dragged.

XX Hell's Mouth XX

Senpū stared into the ravine that Jiraiya had took them to. Naruto scratched his head and looked at Jiraiya for an answer. "How is this gonna help us with summoning?"

Jiraiya smiled and sat on the side followed by the brothers. "I'm gonna show you the handsigns to perform the summoning and then I'll give you a contract to sign." The brothers looked at each other and shrugged before turning to Jiraiya.

"A contract is signed in blood that says that the animal entitled to that contract will come to your aid if need be." Senpū nodded and watched as Jiraiya started the handsigns and bite his thumb.

Senpū grimaced when Jiraiya summoned a toad and laid a scroll on the floor. Naruto gasped in surprised when Jiraiya said they could sign. Just after Naruto signed, he noticed a name over his and froze causing Senpū to look and freeze as well.

Jiraiya raised and eyebrow and looked at what the uzumaki's were staring at. He chuckled, "Surprised...You just signed the same contract as the fourth hokage, Minato Namikaze."

Senpū laughed, confusing Jiraiya, "No...really? I just didn't know he was a seal master. His calligraphy is beautiful." Naruto began the handsigns, catching Senpū's and Jiraiya's attention, and slammed his hand on the ground.

Smoke surrounded him, but when it cleared Naruto showed to have a tadpole in his hand. "Senpū, your turn." Jiraiya ordered while slightly saddened. Said Uzumaki crossed his arms in defiance and side glanced, "I'm not summoning frogs."

Jiraiya glared and was about to correct Senpū when the Uzumaki fell asleep. Naruto sighed and tried the summoning jutsu again. Jiraiya sweatdropped and began to continue teaching Naruto. Senpū chuckled in his sleep as an image of Jiraiya, Minato, and Naruto with toad warts appeared, "Ugly."

XX Three minutes later XX

Senpū stirred in his sleep before sitting up to see Jiraiya throw Naruto in the ravine. "Bastard! I should have never trusted you!" Senpū screamed before being cloaked in his nine tails cloak and flashing through the summoning handseals.

Jiraiya started to sweat and walked toward Senpū, before jumping back from him summoning something big. A loud roar cut through the land causing many to begin panicking and the Konoha 13 and their senseis to go towards the roar.

Jiraiya stood in fear as the Nine tails stood staring directly at him. Jiraiya panicked and summoned the boss toad, Gamabunta. "Not again!" The boss toad yelled angrily, "Jiraiya! What going on?"

Senpū didn't give them enough time to discuss before he launched at Jiraiya as Kansai in  fox form took on Gamabunta. Jiraiya frowned and was about to fight when he saw his summon disappear .

The konoha ninja jumped toward the battle to see the kyubi and Senpū fighting Jiraiya. "The Nine Tails is out?! Help Jiraiya-sama!" Asuma yelled. Senpū hearing voices turned toward the ninja quickly, unintentionally showing his mangekyo sharingan.

Sasuke suppressed an urge to shiver and jumped toward Senpū despite orders. "Senpū Uzumaki!" Said boy turned toward Sasuke as the cloak tail grew to a sharp point. He thrust the tail at Sasuke who dodged and punched Senpū in the face.

Senpū fell back down the ravine, dazed, causing Kasai to jump for him. She wasn't quick enough as everyone watched Senpū disappear into the dark place. "No!" Kasai and Sasuke screamed, but stopped when Naruto shot out the ravine, on a giant toad, with Senpū in his arms.

Naruto looked around and nodded to Kasai, who disappeared, before reverse summoning Senpū to rest with her. After, he turned to Sasuke and smiled brightly making everyone relax.

After an explanation and a agreement to a picnic, everyone went back to the village with Naruto stepping on the back of Jiraiya's sandals as punishment. Jiraiya gazed at the sky before smiling when and idea for a book popped in his head, "The Toad and the Fox."

A.N.: Thanks you for your ideas. And i want to keep something the same, but give some flare like Naruto summoning toads during exams.

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