Chapter 8: Battle of Mind

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After the genins of Team 7 and 8 got on the boat, Tazuna climbed on. They all turned to look at their sensei and watched as Uzu and Mimi walked on the water. Senpū activated his Sharingan and looked at how they were doing that.

'Their constantly channeling chakra to his feet.' Senpū thought.

"Hey, one eye. Two questions: Why is your eye covered and why does it look like that?" Yuzuha asked causing everyone's attention on Senpū.

Senpū looked at Yuzuha and spoke in a monotone voice, "Well, I have a Sharingan and a Rinnegan."

Sasuke, Yuzuha, and Sakura were surprised that Senpū had the sharingan. He wasn't apart of the Uchiha clan. Right?

Sasuke glared at Senpū, "How do you have that dobe?"

Senpū looked at Sasuke before turning to Naruto and slamming his hand on Naruto's stomach. Letting out a gasp of pain, Naruto passed out with Senpū following suit.

"Senpu!/Naruto!" Everyone yelled just before reaching shore.

'Of all times... What are you running from Senpū?' Uzu thought while staring at Tazuna and Takeru shaking Naruto and Senpu.

XXXX Inside Mindscape XXXX

Naruto groaned as he sat up, "What happened?"

Naruto looked around this strange area. It was a sewer of some sorts. He looked done to see constant large ripples and frowned. He may have been dead last, but he knew something big was going on for ripples like these.

Naruto stood and began to walk towards the source. He came upon upon a giant gate and froze where he stood, terrified. In front of him was the most fearsome tailed beast of all, nine tailed fox. Luckily, it didn't notice Naruto because it was busy fighting Senpu.

Then, surprise washed over him when he say Senpū smile at him. The Uzumaki landed in front of Naruto as the Kyuubi searched for him.

"What's up, Naru?" Senpū asked curiously.

Naruto, stuck in a trance, didn't snap out until he heard the kyuubi roar.

"Brat, you and Naruto need to stop my other half, now." A stern yet seductive voice spoke.

Naruto turned around to find Kasai. He gulped at the menacing figure. Senpū smirked before grabbing Naruto's hand.

"Let's go!" Senpū shouted before jumping away, dodging one of Kyuubi's tail.

"Ha, it'll take more than that to get us  kitsune-baka!" Senpū exclaimed.

"I'll crush you!" Kyuubi yelled.

Senpū pulled down his eyelid before smirking at Naruto.

"Senpū, what are we gonna do?" Naruto asked.

Senpū jumped up and landed on Naruto's chakra pipe, 'Sync with me!'

He thought before running through hand signs. Naruto knew what to do thanks to Senpū's link. Senpu placed his hands on Kyuubi's chakra pipe and concentrated.

"Fire Release: Blazing Nightmare Technique!"

"Wind Release: Whirlwind Technique!"

Naruto blew a whirlwind at the Kyuubi, to enhance the fire from Senpū's jutsu. The combination jutsu resembled a spinning mass of black flames.

"Impossible! Amaterasu!" Kyuubi jumped back to avoid the jutsu.

Senpū smirked before raising his hand, "Naruto, use your chakra to grab onto the Kyuubi! Almighty Pull."

Kyuubi flew towards the jutsu and used its tails to cover itself. Naruto jumped onto Kyuubi's head and meditated.

Senpū focused more chakra and his eyes opened wide, "Kage Bunshin No Jutsu."

One clone poofed in existence and both ran through hand signs, "Combination Jutsu: Blazing Nightmare Jutsu!"

The jutsu hit Kyuubi and he flew into the cage. Naruto jumped out and sealed it shut.

"Kyuubi, I'll get rid of your hatred and then we can be allies and friends." Naruto said before fading from the mindscape with Senpū and Kasai to follow.

Kyuubi smiled as he thought, 'Well done kit...' before falling into his most relaxing sleep in decades.

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