Chapter 7: Enemies and Lies

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Senpū woke up to the site of Naruto in frog boxers. He groaned and blushed in embarrassment at his brother wearing frog boxers. He picked up a pillow labed, 'The Naruto Sleep Destroyer'. He threw the pillow and smiled see Naruto groan on the floor before sitting up.

"Senpū-baka, I really hate when you do that." Naruto said glaring.

"Well, if you want to miss our first mission outside the village, be my guest." Senpū replied with a smirk.

Naruto's eyes grew larger and he dashed into the bathroom to get ready. Senpū got up and ran through a few handseals before biting his thumb and swiping the blood on a seal under his hair. He had designed the seal himself after studying Fuinjutsu. He used it to instantly go through his morning routine. Smoke covered his body before dispersing revealing a clean genin.

He walked into the kitchen and cooked an omelet and toast. He smiled and made two plates before walking into the room to grab his standard ninja tools and a book on amatuer level seals. Senpū walked out the room before glaring at Naruto.

"You baka! I made you breakfast and you eat ramen!" Senpū shouted before pouting and eating their omelets.

"Sorry. I'll take the toast." Naruto said grabbing the toast before walking to the door.

Senpū sighed, grabbed his toast, and touched Naruto's shoulder before body flickering to the Village Gate.

-At Village Entrance-

Sasuke was brooding on the wall ignoring Sakura who was asking for a date. Senpū and Naruto appeared along with Takeru.

"Sakura-baka, how could you leave me!" Takeru yelled at his sister.

She looked at him, glared, and went back to fawning over Sasuke. Takeru pouted and was patted on the back by Senpū and Naruto.

"Sasuke-teme, have you seen Yuzuha-nee?" Naruto asked curious of where she was.

Sasuke shook his head and turned away, irritating Naruto that Sasuke didn't care for his own sister.

Senpū looked toward a tree and raised his hand up, "Almighty Pull."

The tree fell towards the team, causing Sakura to scream and everyone move out the way.

"Yuzuha, come out and stop sneaking around."

Yuzuha jumped out the tree and landed in front of Senpū smirking.

"I like you. I've been up there for about 3 minutes." She said seductively before sitting next to Takeru and Naruto and discussed their team formations that they developed on their own.

Mimi and Uzu came up to the gate with Tazuna.

"Ready to go?" Uzu asked.

The two teams nodded and set of down the road.

"So, Tazuna-san where do you live?" Sakura asked curiously.

"The Land of Waves." Tazuna said proudly.

Uzu-sensei then explained that the Land of Waves didn't have their own ninja and why.

About 20 minutes of walking, the teams walked by two puddles. Senpū looked at Takeru and Naruto stealthily. Two ninja rose from the puddle and wrapped the jonins in a chain. Everyone looked at their senseis surprised. The two ninja pulled the chain slicing Uzu and Mimi to pieces.

"Two down ... seven to go." One ninja said before rushing at the genin.

Senpu chuckled and threw a shuriken at the chain nailing it to a tree. Takeru caught on and threw a kunai to enforce the shuriken. The ninjas released the chain and rushed at Tazuna.

"Almighty Push." Senpū said.

Takeru threw a kunai at the one as his partner was blasted away by an invisible force. The ninja caught the kunai and smirked, before his face changed to horror seeing an explosive tag.

'Boom.' Thought Takeru and watched as the ninja was blown away.

The two ninja stood and dashed at Senpu and Takeru, only to be stopped by Uzu and Mimi. Uzu close lined one ninja as Mimi drop kicked the other. They were tied up and Uzu turned to Tazuna glaring.

"Why are the Demon Brothers after you?" Uzu said irritated.

Tazuna sighed and told the group about Gato and how he didn't have enough money to get a higher mission rank. Senpu sighed and said they should continue. Tazuna thanked them and they began walking to a shore with a boat waiting.

'This is gonna be a long day.' Senpū thought.

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