Chapter 9: Zabuza Momochi

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When Naruto and Senpū woke, they found themselves on their sensei's backs. The brothers climbed off and nodded to the group to assure them they were fine. Senpū stretched and rubbed his eyes, irritating Sakura for trying to be cool. Sakura raised her fist and was about to slam her fist down onto his head, when Naruto threw a kunai into a bush. Everyone looked as Takeru as he pulled out a white rabbit. Sakura yelled at Naruto for scaring her, while everyone else looked on.

White rabbits only showed in controlled environments or in the winter. Uzu came to the conclusion that the rabbit was used for substitution, before his eyes widened and looked at Mimi.

"GET DOWN!" Mimi and Uzu yelled before dropping with Tazuna, Takeru, Yuzuha, and Sasuke.

Naruto grabbed Sakura and pulled her down, while Senpū stood, not hearing the order from drowsiness.

Everyone's eyes widen as Senpū is cut in two, before bursting into smoke.

'Shadow clone.' Everyone except Tazuna thought with a sigh.

When the smoke cleared it showed Senpū with a deep wound going from one arm to the other. Senpū coughed some blood, before being caught by Takeru as he fell unconscious.

"We will go while you all deal with who ever that was!" Mimi yelled before taking off with Senpū, Tazuna, and Yuzuha.

"Guys," Uzu said "get ready because this will be your first battle. Naruto, try to sync with us."

The remaining genin nodded and each drew a kunai. A tall, bulky man with a huge sword cane out the mist.

"Zabuza Momochi. Former member of the Seven Swordmen of the Mist. Rouge Jounin for trying and failing to kill Mizukage." Uzu said cautiously.

"Its a pleasure to greet on of the Silver Fang Duo." Zabuza smiled and brought his hand in the ram sign.

'The Vortex of the Hidden Leaf. I have to be careful.' Zabuza thought before summoning mist to surround the genin and jounin.

Uzu glared at the mist forming causing his sand to rise surrounding the genin in heavy sand armor. Zabuza appeared behind the group swinging his sword at the genin. Sasuke and Naruto raised kunai to block before a silver-shaped bird of sand flew at Zabuza. Zabuza's eyes widen before jumping back only to see the bird fade.

'Genjutsu?! Kai!' Zabuza thought before expelling chakra releasing the genjutsu.

When the genjutsu cleared, he saw he was alone, 'They got away.'

He was going to chase until he felt something hard smack against his back, releasing a second genjutsu. Zabuza looked up to see Uzu standing over him with a kunai in his hand.

"What was that?" Zabuza asked.

Uzu smirked before laughing, "Genjutsu: Mirror World."

Zabuza smiled and looked down as Uzu moved to stab Zabuza. Just before, two senbon pierce his neck. Uzu jumped back and prepared for another opponent. A Kirigakure hunter-nin jumped down, thanked him and disappeared.

Uzu glared at the spot and thought, 'Might have to call Inu-nii for help. I'll need him for the rest. We just got lucky.'

Uzu looked at the genin before following the trail of sand left from the sand secretly attached to Tazuna.

"Let's move out." Uzu said before running to Tazuna's house.

XXX Tazuna's House XXX

Uzu and the genin arrived at Tazuna's house before knocking on the door. They waited before dodging a swing from a frying pan.

"Watch it, Lady!" Naruto yelled while holding onto Takeru who had come to see the commotion.

He smiled lightly and pulled Naruto up before helping Sakura.

"Well little genin, now that your safe, Imma go call some 'special' reinforcements. Stay out of trouble and Mimi-chan will train you all." Uzu said before sinking into the dirt.

Takeru lead them to Senpū to find him and Yuzuha was both unconscious.

"What happened to them?" Naruto asked worryingly.

Takeru explained that the wound was deep and Yuzuha used a lot of chakra trying to heal him. Sasuke and Sakura looked down, before Mimi came in to begin training.

"You lot need to train, Senpū and Yuzuha already know this exercise. And seeing how Takeru trained with them before they became genin, I presume that he already knows how." Mimi asked.

Takeru came to the conclusion that training was tree-walking. He nodded before turning and sitting between Senpū and Yuzuha without a word. Team Canon nodded, although reluctantly, and left to begin training. Mimi smiled and followed.


After a week of training, everyone became worried. This is due because Senpū was still deeply unconscious. Yuzuha had woken up the next day and went back to healing but mor careful. Uzu had called in an ANBU, Inu, who informed he'd help.

Mimi and Takeru decided to stay and keep guard. Naruto was planning to as well before Uzu told him that they would need help. Naruto saddened in defeat, before glaring at the floor.

"Let's move!" Uzu said before escorting Tazuna to the bridge.

The march was uneventful until they found the bridge full of mist, and unconscious workers.

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